11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4

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At the Man cave they weren't doing anything special. Henry and Ally didn't say a word to each other since they came.-"What's going on between you guys? You haven't spoken since you came here."-Ray said.

Henry and Ally just lifted their heads up and looked at him.-"I'm curious. You guys never stop talking."-he said.-"Ally doesn't want to believe me."-Henry said.-"Henry doesn't know what he's talking about."-Ally said.

"Ally thinks I'm overthinking and doesn't want to listen to me."-Henry glared at Ally.-"Henry is jealous of Harry and hates him."-Ally glared at Henry.-"Ally thinks Harry is perfect even if he's a liar and two-sided jerk."-he said louder.-"Henry can't do anything for his best friend!"-Ally yelled and got closer.

"Ally believes more to someone who she barely knows than her best friend who's with her all the time!"-Henry yelled and got closer.-"Guys calm down."-Piper said looking at them worried.-"Henry is a bad friend!"-Ally yelled.-"Ally is even worse!"-Henry yelled and got closer to her.

"Henry is the worst!"-Ally yelled.-"No! Ally is the worst!"-Henry yelled and they attacked each other.-"Hey! Hey!"-Ray yelled and grabbed Henry and Jasper grabbed Ally. They separated them and held them, so they won't kill each other.

"What's happening between you two!?"-Piper yelled. Henry and Ally were looking at each other mad trying to attack each other again.-"You never fight. What's wrong?"-Schwoz asked.-"What happened?"-Ray asked.-"This is not you guys."-Jasper added.

"Henry is jealous."-Ally said.-"Ally is not listening."-Henry said.-"Don't start it again! You're acting like you're 5, not 16!"-Ray yelled. Henry and Ally were still deadly looking at each other.-"Guys! Did something happened with Harry?"-Piper asked.

"He hates me and wants me to get away from Ally!"-Henry said.-"That is not true!"-Ally yelled.-"You don't know!"-Henry yelled.-"Guys, guys! You're best friends! Stop! We must fix this!"-Schwoz said.

"If you really care about each other and about your friendship then you'll, Henry, accept that Ally is with Harry."-Ray said.-"And what about her!?"-Henry asked.-"You are attacking her boyfriend. Now forgive each other."-Ray said.-"I'm feeling like in kindergarten."-Piper sighed.-"We'll let you, don't kill each other."-Jasper said.

Ray and Jasper let Ally and Henry and they stood in front of each other.-"I'm... sorry for attacking you."-Ally said.-"I'm sorry for saying those bad things about you."-Henry said.-"Yeah, me too."-Ally said quietly-"But I still don't believe you."-she mumbled.-"I can see that."-"Best friends again?"-Ally asked.-"Best friends again."-Henry smiled and Ally hugged him.

"Just start dating already!"-Jasper said.-"Shut up!"-Henry and Ally yelled.-"How stupid are you, Jasper?"-Ray asked.-"What?"-"You know what!"-Piper said.-"Oh."-Jasper said and Ally's phone rang.

"It's Harry."-she mumbled.-"Hi Harry."-she answered the call.-"Hi Boo. Can you please come to my house?"-"Harry, I'm with my friends right now, at work. I can't."-"But I want you here!"-"But Harry..."-"I want you here! Please."-"Okay, I'm on my way."-she mumbled and hung up.

"You're going?"-Henry asked.-"Yes. See you later, guys."-she said and walked to the elevator.-"This was weird."-Piper said.-"That's what I was saying! Harry's been acting weird since he and Ally started dating."-Henry said.

"You're maybe right, kid."-Ray mumbled.-"He gave me a death look and it was so familiar."-"What do you mean familiar?"-Schwoz asked.-"I have a feeling I saw that look before. It was full of hate and anger. And it had a different sparkle. Unnatural."-Henry said and everyone looked at each other worried.

"Dr Dark."-Jasper said quietly.-"What?"-Ray looked at him confused.-"Remember the picture? Look full of anger and hate."-Jasper said.-"And what does that have to do with Harry?"-Piper asked.-"Jasper's maybe right. He maybe has some connection with him."-Henry said.

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