1| When You Meet Him - Leo

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You were on your walk home from school, bag over your shoulder, hand gripping the strap. You had lots of stuff to get done, chemistry homework, trigonometry, and AP world history. Obviously, you didn't want to do any of it, but you maintained good grades year round, so you were going to anyway. Though you despised it, doing your homework was arguably the best part of your day. Sad, but true. You got to be alone in your quiet room, free from all the little noises and distractions, along with assorted other things that annoyed you. You could do whatever you wanted while doing it, too. Usually, you'd blast your music and drown everything else out, but recently your speaker had broken. You still had your headphones though, so you'd make do.

Every day you'd take the same route to and from school. Once in the morning at 7:30, and once in the afternoon at 3:30. It was a peaceful route, and the scenery was nice, but it kind of sucked having to walk, and you never had anyone to walk with because none of your friends lived in the same area as you. Except today, you were still alone, but the sun was already going down. You were forced to stay after and tutor some of your more hopeless classmates in chemistry. So you were irritated, tired, alone, and it was dusk. Perfect.

You popped in your headphones and started playing your favorite band's best album. Their best in your opinion, though your friends disagreed with you. They were wrong; it was their best. It was a shame you had no one to listen to it with.

When you turned the corner, your jaw dropped as you laid eyes on an at least 15 foot tall plant monster. It was made only of leaves and vines. You froze, your feet stubbornly rooted in place. It stalked forward, not noticing you at first. When it did, it rapidly outstretched a long green arm in your direction. Your breath hitched and you became supremely aware of your own heartbeat.

Out of nowhere, something else flashed before you, and suddenly the leafy green arm that had been out to get you lay limp on the ground. You flinched and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your eyes locked on the arm, stunned at the earthly deformity lying severed and oozing on the pavement.

You glanced up to see what saved you, and what you saw was just as baffling. A... turtle? A turtle...? A turtle? A fucking turtle? You've got to be joking.

Without meaning to, you let out a small laugh. You couldn't believe the hilarity you were witnessing, a giant turtle fighting an angry tree. It was comical, and so you laughed; more and more, until you were on your knees, holding your forehead in the palm of your hand. Eventually, you peered up, seeing the turtle looking at you with a very confused expression on his face, and behind him was a very indignant looking vine. You tried to fight back the laughter but couldn't. You laughed and laughed, and when you were finally able to contain yourself you stood, cleared your throat, looked the human-like turtle dead in the eye and said, "Well, I definitely have to go to therapy now." You didn't know what else to say so you smiled a this is fucking insane type smile, and gave him a short nod, walking past him and on your way.

"Hey, wait!" he called, running up to you. You bit your lip in an effort to stop the laughter bubbling in your throat, and turned to face him. "Are... Are you all right?" he asked, his face showing a hint of embarrassment.

Despite yourself, you started cracking up again, but eventually managed to put a lid on it. You sighed a content sigh and said, "Nope," you gestured to him and the botanical catastrophe behind you, and continued, "I'm sorry, man, you seem like a very kind and heroic person, and I'm thankful you saved my life, but it's just," you stopped and laughed again. He looked a little uneasy and scratched the back of his neck. You took a deep breath and stopped the laughter, "It's just, you look like a giant turtle with ninja weapons to me," you laughed again, "so, therapy," you explained, nodding.

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