6| When He Longs For You - Leo

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Leo had had a long day. So when he returned to his room that evening, he didn't even bother turning on the lights. The vibrant, violaceous light from a string of LEDs around the upper-most edges of his room was just fine.

He blew air through his lips with a sharp determination, running his hand over his head as if to wipe away his annoyance. Eventually though, his tension subsided.

Lying on his bed, waiting for what was built up to melt away. Rubbing his eyes, reminiscing. There wasn't a lot of melting, but something else did form. Inklings of memories, infant sparks that depicted the image of a girl with e/c eyes and h/c hair. Leo gave a single, soft scoff and sighed in resolution. His tongue moved in his mouth.

His arms found their way to being folded beneath his head. Even with open eyes he was able to visualize exactly what he was missing. Those images, that girl, their life.

Could he help that he was a romantic?


~". . ."~

Leo clicked the cable into his amp, and flipped it on. The other end of the cord plugged into his bass with a solid snap as he ensconced himself in his desk chair carelessly.

~"The mirror's image, tells me it's home time"~

He picked up his phone with one hand. The other held the neck of his instrument as it laid on his lap. He synced his phone with his speaker and the Arctic Monkeys song thrummed through the air.

~"But I'm not finished, 'cause you're not by my side"~

He traced his fingers along the strings, finding the right fit. His other hand shifted to the right frets.

~"And as I arrived I thought I saw you leavin', carryin' your shoes"~

He took a deep breath, letting his limbs relax. His eyes closed.

~"Decided that once again I was just dreamin' of bumpin' into you"~

He breathed again, and he began. His fingers plucked the strings in perfect harmony.

~"Now it's three in the mornin' and I'm tryin' to change your mind"~

~"Left you multiple missed calls and to my message, you reply"~

~"'Why'd you only call me when you're high?'"~

~"'Hi, why'd you only call me when you're high?'"~

His expression loosened as he listened to his bass synchronize with the song, forming into what could almost be misconstrued as a look of contentment. The soft twang of each string deepened the sound of the song, and with it, enhanced the meaning.

~"Somewhere darker, talkin' the same shite"~

~"I need a partner, well, are you out tonight?"~

The pursed smile finally emerged. His eyebrows furrowed up and he bit the inside of his lips as his teeth started to show. His attributes moved as the notes did, teasing his secret feelings in his expression of pleasure.

~"It's harder and harder to get you to listen"~

~"More I get through the gears"~

~"Incapable of makin' alright decisions, and havin' bad ideas"~

A deep-rooted half smile, half smirk that stemmed from the warmth in his chest crept its way up onto his features as the image of you slipped onto his mind.

~"Now it's three in the mornin' and I'm tryin' to change your mind"~

~"Left you multiple missed calls and to my message, you reply"~

~"'Why'd you only call me when you're high?'"~

~"'Hi, why'd you only call me when you're high?'"~

A gentle explosion rushed from his fingertips to his toes. It was warm, and it consumed him. It took over the movement of his fingers and the tapping of his foot as it centered his mind on you. Scenes of you played behind his eyelids, pulling him into a trance, lost in the music, and lost in you.

~"And I can't see you here, wonderin' where am I"~

~"It sort of feels like I'm runnin' out of time"~

~"I haven't found all I was hopin' to find"~

Nothing compared to the way he wanted you in his arms, to the way he wanted to move you like he moved through song.

~"You said you gotta be up in the mornin'"~

~"Gonna have an early night"~

~"And you're startin' to bore me, baby"~

~"Why'd you only call me when you're high?"~

The bass boomed through the walls. Leo's leg bounced and his head bobbed with the song. He danced with the music as it held him in its tight grip. Strumming to the rhythm, he let it control too his voice as he sang:

~"'Why'd you only ever phone me when you're high?'"~

~"'Why'd you only ever phone me when you're high?'"~

~"'Why'd you only ever phone me when you're high?'"~

~"'Why'd you only ever phone me when you're high?'"~

He collapsed back into the chair as the song cut off, exhaling slowly.

The silence felt raw as it filled the room, engulfing Leo in its expansion. But he let his eyes come back to a close. And he just sat.

He sat and he let the electricity in his veins disperse to a buzz.

The song might've come to an end, but his infatuation with you ran deeper than ever. All of his attention focused on the object of his craving.

Completely and totally enamored of you, every inch of his body vibrated with the unfiltered beginnings of anxiety as his mind teeter-tottered back and forth on the brink of decision: what to do with his feelings.

He wanted more from you, that much was clear. But could he tell you? Could he ask you for more? That, he didn't know.

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