1| When You Meet Him - Mikey

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Every Sunday evening you would go to the park, just before dark. You'd lay out a blanket underneath this one Red Maple tree and lean up against it as you watched the sun set. The sunset was the inspiration for many of your artistic endeavors. Most of your paintings, and plenty of your sketches were of that great, orangey, blazing scene. You never sat in the park to paint, though. You would just sit and admire. Later, you'd try to recreate the images from memory, each time creating a new depiction of the same sky. Your paintings were beautiful, and they lined the walls of your room, along with your sketches and assorted pieces of literature and poems you'd written.

You were very artistic, and you loved all things to do with that realm, but on Sunday evenings it was just you and the sky. The warmth from the last beams of sun, the slight breeze of wind rustling your hair next to your cheeks, the serenity of the moment; you loved it all.

But today was especially peaceful. Today, there was almost no one around. And those who were, were packing up to leave. You thought it was odd, but you weren't complaining, just you and the fiery sky sounded nice to you.

You leant back, sinking into the tree, letting the warm sun rays paint orange over your closed eyelids. You started drifting off to sleep as the warmth covered you like a blanket.

As fast as you had begun to fall asleep, you began to wake, feeling the absence of the warmth. You squinted as you slowly opened your eyes, expecting light, but it seemed darker. You opened them all the way, and blurry shapes melded together to create the picture in front of you. A turtle. A turtle with ninja weapons. A turtle with ninja weapons and a neon orange mask. It took you a moment before you realized who was standing before you. When you finally did, you screamed and tried to scramble backwards, but only hit your head on the tree behind you, making you pass out.

Little did you know, whoever was before you, caught you just before you hit the ground.


When you awoke, it was dark outside. You went to sit up, but winced in pain, and reached for your head. But, when you did, your hand knocked into something hard and smooth. You looked down and noticed two lean, green limbs underneath you. Confused, you managed to sit up all the way, and turn around. It was the same creature you'd seen earlier! You had been laying on his lap all this time!

You began to try to get away again but then he spoke, "Hey, hey, hey, woah, whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just trying to help. Even before," he stammered, "I was just checking to see if you were all right; you were passed out in the middle of a park," he frowned. "I didn't mean to scare you," he added, "but I can't really help it," he scratched his arm nervously.

Something about his tone of voice calmed you some, but you weren't all there yet. "What was all that about, then?" you asked, distraught, pointing to his lap.

"You hit your head," he explained, "you know, when you saw me," he looked away from you. "I wanted to stay with you to make sure you were ok. I didn't want to just leave you there. A-and the ground seemed too hard to put you down on..." he finished.

You didn't know what it was but something inside of you screamed that you could trust him. He stayed by your side, protecting you, when he didn't even know you. "Thank you..." you whispered. You didn't know what else to say, if there even was anything else to be said.

He looked back up to you, meeting your eyes. He smiled a little looking at you. "I know you're scared of me," he said, "my brothers might think I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid enough to not realize how you must feel right now," he gave a dry chuckle.

Feeling slightly better, you leaned forward a little from the place in the cool grass you were sitting, only a few feet away from him. You felt bad, you couldn't lie, he seemed sweet and sincere. It wasn't fair of you, or anyone, to treat him the way you did. "I'm sorry," you said, "I shouldn't have acted that way. You were just trying to care for me."

He smiled at the ground. A moment of silence passed before he said, "I'm Mikey, by the way."

"I'm Y/n," you chuckled, thinking about the unbelievable situation you found yourself in. "Thanks for helping me, Mikey," you looked up to him.

He met your eyes again. "No problem, Y/n," he smiled.

There was another pause before you got up and walked over to him, sliding down against the tree to sit next to him. "I'm not scared of you."

He looked over to you, eyes wide, "Y-you're not?" he asked. His voice was a little shaky, almost as if he never thought anyone would say that to him.

"No. I'm not. In fact, we should be friends," you turned your head toward him with a soft smile on your face.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think you'd make a great friend, Mikey," you told him.

Suddenly, Mikey embraced you in a warm hug, reminding you of the sun's rays. Something about his personality embodied the sun. Maybe you hadn't gotten a chance to see that side of him yet, but you knew it was there; you could feel it in his hug. There was something comforting and positive about him; protective and caring. There was this ever so faint child-like demeanor there, buried under the heavy mood of your night together. But, you knew you'd get to see it come out sometime.

As he let you out of the hug you asked for his phone, which he produced and placed in your hand. You punched your number in and named your contact. "There," you said, "now you have my number. Text me whenever you want, all right?" you smiled.

"All right, thanks Y/n," he helped you off the ground and gave your arm a friendly squeeze before letting you go. "I'll see you soon!" he exclaimed as he began to jog off in front of you, "Be careful!"

"Bye, Mikey!" you responded.

You went home that night with a sore head but also a new idea for a painting and a poem. The painting you'd have to hide, but the poem you could proudly display on your wall. You wondered when you'd let Mikey read it.

A/N: I've decided to make this version of Mikey a little more mature than a lot of other people's versions who've written this kind of book. I just think it makes for a more flexible story. Hope that's ok :)

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