2| When He Texts - Leo

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Unknown Number: Hey :)

Unknown Number: It's Leo

*You changed contact to "Leo"*

You: Hey Leo

You: You gonna tell me about Snakeweed?

Leo: One of my brothers named him

You: You're kidding

You: How many of you are there?

Leo: Nope not kidding lol

Leo: I'm the oldest, then there's Raph, then Donnie, then Mikey

You: Well come on tell me about them

Leo: Well I'm the best one obviously

You: Obviously

Leo: Raph's very emotional, though he claims it's just one main emotion, anger, which it is a lot of the time, I can tell he feels everything a little more than the rest of us

You: Very perceptive of you lmao

Leo: I know lol

Leo: Then Donnie, he's really smart, he's basically a genius, he's great at math, science, just about anything, although it's kinda annoying sometimes

You: Can he do my chem homework for me lmao

Leo: I mean he could lol

Leo: And Mikey, he's our little brother y'know? He's not exactly the brightest bulb in the box but he's really sweet and he loves to cook, it's usually disgusting but he's very creative

You: They sound pretty cool man

You: What about you tho

Leo: Wdym

You: How would you describe yourself, I mean you gave these good descriptions of your brothers do one for you

Leo: Idk I mean I'm the leader

You: That's it?

Leo: I don't know what you want from me lol

You: Lmao ok be that way

You: You said you had a sensei right

Leo: Yeah

You: Tell me about him

Leo: You're very inquisitive lol

You: Let's leave the fancy words to Donnie shall we?

Leo: *Rolls eyes*

You: LMAO did you just type the words "rolls eyes" 😂

Leo: Shut up lol

You: You're adorable

You: Really, you are

Leo: ...

You: Adorable.

You: Wait let's circle back lmao

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