5| When You Fall For Him - Donnie

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You woke with a start to your phone vibrating loudly next to you. Groaning and wiping the hair away from your face, you picked it up. You squinted at the screen through the darkness until it displayed Donnie's name.

You sighed. Laying back on your pillow, you brought the phone to your ear. "Hello?" you answered.

"Hey, Y/n, are you busy right now?" he asked.

You scoffed a little, staring at the small digital clock on your bedside table. "Well, considering it's almost four in the morning, yes."

"Oh." You rolled your eyes, but smiled a little, despite being put off by a call at this hour. "With what?" he asked.

You took a deep breath. "Sleeping."

"Hm." He made the sound like he never would've guessed that. "Well, no matter how restful it is, you'd rather be doing this."

"Which is what?" You pinched the bridge of your nose.

He hummed sweetly into the receiver. "Just get ready, I'll be over in fifteen."

"Wait, hold on-"

He hung up.

You groaned, throwing the covers off and shuffling reluctantly over to your closet, where you put on a sweatshirt to combat the nip of New York weather. You moved over to your mirror and pulled your frazzled hair back into a ponytail. Then you slipped on your shoes and waited.

Fifteen minutes later, just like he said, he showed up and waved through your window. You took a deep breath and sighed, trying to bite back a nasty attitude. You moved over to the window and opened it, stepping out onto the fire escape. As the cool air hit your cheeks your mind finally woke up.

You closed your eyes as you breathed in. "This better be good," you warned.

"It's better than good," he said softly. Your eyes opened. He was smiling, and in the dark his eyes sparkled with the light from a streetlamp. "Come on." He grabbed your hand and the both of you started climbing the fire escape. Once at the top, he dragged you over to the edge of the building where there was a space for the two of you.

"What's all this?" you asked, looking at what he had set up. On the roof lay one very large blanket flat on the ground. On top of it there were other smaller blankets, pillows, a bag of popcorn, and a telescope.

"We had so much fun the last time; I thought I'd recreate it." He scratched the back of his head.

A light blush heated your cheeks.

You laughed a little to yourself, turning to him and smiling warmly before returning your gaze to the set-up. You bent down and picked up the popcorn. "And this?" you asked, giggling.

"Eh. For nostalgia's sake." He shrugged. You laughed.

"Oh," you sighed, "wow, Donnie," you said, taking a step back. "This is so thoughtful. What made you want to do this?"

"Well," he began, taking your arm and leading you onto the blanket, "tonight, Venus is going to be visible." He plopped down between some pillows and yanked you down with him. He gave you a side-eye and a subtle smirk. You rolled your eyes.

"Yes, I understand why you did that," you confirmed, biting back the smile that played at your lips. "I guess it's only fair."

He sighed and leaned back on his arms, facing forward with a grin. "Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to look at it with you through my telescope." He patted the metal. "I would've warned you, but I didn't find out about it until a few hours ago. And it's better as a surprise anyway, to be honest," he reasoned.

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