1| When You Meet Him - Donnie

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You, your best friends, a meteor shower, and popcorn. That was the plan you had laid out for the night.

Blankets filled your arms, and the popcorn was tucked snuggly underneath in one of the pre-popped bags. The stairs to the roof felt a lot steeper with 20 pounds of blankets spilling from your reaches.

The shower would be starting soon and your friends would be greeted by your parents at the apartment entrance any minute now. All you needed to do was set everything up.

You pulled the roof key from your pocket, carefully balancing the blankets in your extra arm, and twisted it in the door knob. You quickly tucked it back in your pocket before you could look through the door frame, as the blankets became increasingly hard to manage with just one arm.

You stabilized the mountain of fabric that had been threatening to fall, and stepped through the door, kicking it shut.

You heard something fall and you jumped a little bit, dropping the blankets that blocked your view. In front of you stood a six-foot-tall genetic deformity that quite frankly, was a mind-fuck to look at. Your jaw dropped at the sight, and whatever it was froze under your gaze. You shook your head in disbelief, you'd never seen anything like it. You never thought you'd see anything like it.

Even through your shock you examined the figure. It was tall, and slightly rounded in the middle, though you couldn't see too much because of the lack of proper lighting. You took a step closer without even thinking about it and the figure stiffened. You stepped closer. "Whoa..." you uttered, barely thinking.

The figure, who looked similar to a turtle, chuckled nervously. You took another step towards it until you were only about a foot and a half away. You could see it now. It definitely was a turtle. A genetically atypical one at that. It had on a purple mask, which you thought kind of didn't make any sense, because wouldn't what the turtle would want to hide be the fact that it's a turtle? It also had on a belt type thing with straps going over its shoulder. On its back, or shell, it had what looked like a big stick.

You looked up to the turtle's moderately terrified expression and asked, "What's that?" pointing to the stick on its back.

The turtle looked taken aback at first, but then shook its head and grabbed the stick off its back and held it out to you. "It's a-a bo staff," he, you assumed, stuttered.

You kept your cool and took it from him. "It's sad that this thing is taller than me," you joked, and he laughed. You smiled, "So..." you giggled, "this is kind of awkward," he nodded. You rolled your eyes, "You got anything to say? Can you say something?" you teased, trying to shake off some of your shock. You knew he could speak, he already had. You just needed a way to break the tension.

He furrowed his brows, or the muscles where they should be, you thought, and remarked, "Actually, some would say I'm very well-spoken."

"Ok," you laughed, "what're you doing up here?" you questioned.

"I-I could ask you the same," he smiled, seeming to gain a little more confidence.

"This is my roof," you retorted, and he motioned with his hand for you to continue. "I was coming up here to watch the meteor shower with my friends," you explained, suddenly realizing that soon your friends would be there, and then they'd see him too. You assumed he didn't want that, as he didn't seem too thrilled you had seen him. "Oh shit, give me a second." He looked confused but nodded.

You walked back over by the roof entrance and pulled out your phone, group calling your friends. "Hey guys," you coughed for extra assurance, "I'm not feeling good, I don't think you should come over..." They offered their sympathy and wished you well. "I know, it sucks. But, I don't want to get you sick. I'll call you tomorrow, have fun watching the shower." You hung up and walked back over to the turtle, who you now realized you didn't know the name of.

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