7| Advice - Leo

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Struggling with a course of action, Leo turned to the only one of his brothers he could trust to be rational about his situation.

He knocked softly on the large, metal door that at most times, kept Donnie secluded from the rest of his family.

"Hey, Don..." He trailed off as he slid the door open a crack, popping his head into the dimly lit laboratory. His fingers peeked around the edge of the door as his pointed shoulder leaned against the frame.

"Oh, hi, Leo," Donnie responded, not bothering to provide any visual acknowledgement of his brother's presence. His eyes were trained on the beakers in front of him, filled with sparkling liquids of varying colors in different amounts. Leo couldn't even see his brother's eyes at all; the goggles he wore cast a glare over the ovals where Donnie's reddish-brown irises should've been.

He sucked his lip, reconsidering his decision. He tapped his fingers nervously on the door and took a quick glance behind him at his other brothers conversing in the pit, and turned back to Donnie. "Can I come in?" he asked.

Donnie hummed affirmatively in response. Leo sighed under his breath and slipped through the doorway, securing the door behind him with one hand as he faced forward.

He remained standing by the door awkwardly for a minute or two, flicking his legs with the tips of his fingers, both surveying his brother and deciding if he should admit what he'd planned to.

Eventually, with a sharp downward tick of his head, Donnie knocked the goggles down from his eyes and turned his head toward Leo. "Did you just want to observe?"

Leo sighed. He marched over quickly and grabbed a seat, twisting it coolly with the flick of his wrist before parking himself in front of his brother. But he was silent, gazing at Donnie with a wistful look that said he was grappling with an issue of a greater complexity.

Donnie's expression shifted, his lips falling in a crooked line as his eyes centered on his brother's. "What's going on?" Concern was evident from pinched eyebrows and low tone. He pushed his rolling chair away from the desk, taking his goggles off.

Leo exhaled sharply, looking at his lap as he shook his head. "You know Y/n," he began.

"Of course."

Leo sighed for what felt like the millionth time- he was already drained from the wrestling he'd done with himself on the issue. His eyes remained focused on the freckled green skin of his thighs. "Well..." He groaned, pausing.

Donnie ducked, trying to meet Leo's eyes. Leo fiddled with his fingers.

"I have feelings for her," he stated, getting the initial confession over with. Donnie's eyes widened. "Strong ones," he clarified, biting the inside of his cheek. Donnie's lips parted, as if he was going to attempt forcing a verbal reaction, but Leo continued. "So strong that I'm considering doing something that could end up being a terrible idea," he conceded, his eyebrows upturned and wincing at his vulnerability. "So I need your advice."

"Well, let's just go ahead and make this easier by making eye contact," Donnie said, patting Leo's shoulder.

Leo scoffed. He took a moment to bring his fidgety hands to rest, but he straightened up. He met Donnie's eyes with a smile that was strung up tightly to only one cheek. "I know. You're right. I'm acting like a little kid." He waved his hand dismissively of himself and watched it land on his lap. "Not exactly someone that should be trying to confess their feelings, huh?" He laughed, keeping his eyes to Don's now.

Donnie smiled. "Look, Leo," he started, clasping his hands together. "I know you came here expecting me to rationalize this all out for you, and tell you objectively exactly what the best course of action is." Donnie stopped there. Leo glanced quickly between his brother and the wall, expecting him to continue, but he didn't.

Leo's lips strung together in a tight line and he nodded, sighing once sharply. "So you won't do that, then?" He raised both eyebrows.



Donnie's smile widened. "Truth is, there is no concrete rationale when it comes to matters of the heart."

Leo sighed, leaning back in the chair.

Donnie continued, "Especially not with women." Leo raised an eyebrow, looking up, his lips playing at a smile. "They're unpredictable." Both brothers gave a light laugh.

Leo breathed more freely now. Knowing that even his smartest brother didn't know what to do didn't free him from his predicament, but the solidarity made him feel less alone.

"I'm starting to learn that more and more..." Leo said. He leaned back on the chair, thinking about her. He chuckled to himself. "Did I ever tell you about the first time we met?" he asked.

Donnie shook his head. "I don't think you did."

Leo shook his head, remembering that afternoon. "She didn't run. She didn't scream. You know what she did?" Donnie signaled for him to continue. "She laughed."

"W-what?" Donnie laughed, pulling his leg up and mimicking Leo's reclined position.

"Yup." Leo nodded. "She thought I was a hallucination." Donnie shook his head, his chest bobbing as he chuckled. "She thanked me and told me to excuse her so she could go get therapy."

"Wow." Donnie smiled at his brother. "That's a new one."

"Yeah..." Leo scratched his arm. "I guess her reaction really can't be predicted, huh...?"

"No." Donnie stated, demeanor becoming more thoughtful again. "But you knew that." Leo looked up. "Because if anyone could predict it," he said, wearing a closed lip smile for a moment, "you know her best."

Leo exaggerated a groan, trying not to smile. What he'd said was true; he and Y/n were really close. "And yet, parts of her are still a mystery." He laughed and exhaled in unison. "Maybe I just have to go for it." He shrugged, inhaling deeply, his eyes off Donnie now.

Donnie didn't say anything, just studied his brother in a comfortable silence.

"God, this is..." He chuckled to himself. "This is terrifying." He turned his head to meet Donnie's eyes again. Donnie was reposed in the chair across from him with the notion of a smile behind an otherwise neutral expression.

"She'll make you feel a lot of things," Donnie said finally, sitting up to perch his elbows on his knees. "Fear, affection, anger, despondency, and even, at times, childlike," he alluded, sending Leo a look. "But you'll never know love if you avoid the others."

A/N: I feel weird about removing the "When" from the title, but this chapter just sounded better without it lol. I hope you're having a good day/night :)

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