1| When You Meet Him - Raph

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You closed the door of your apartment complex behind you and turned to face the voice. In front of you was a five and a half foot tall turtle with what looked like ninja weapons. You froze, your mouth open, unable to think of anything to say or do.

The keys in your hand jangled as your fist clenched. His narrowed eyes looked down at them a moment then back to you. He looked all around very unbothered. "So here's the deal," he started, "my brothers are hard to talk to and I really need to get this out," he alluded, stopping there. But from the shocked look on your face and your stiff body language he rolled his eyes and continued the explanation for you. "So," he added condescendingly, "you're gonna listen to me. And wipe that weird look off your face, I'm not gonna hurt you. I get it, I look weird, but I have a heart and feelings, too, y'know," he paused. "I need people to talk to, too..." He looked down bitterly.

At that, your jaw became unstuck from the dropped position it was in and you frowned. As much as you thought your reaction was reasonable, he was right. He seemed just like you apart from his appearance, who were you to judge him solely based on it?

You sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry. I get it, sometimes you need someone to talk to that's not your family. It's hard to tell people that know you so well about personal things, for fear they'd look at you differently. I guess with strangers it doesn't matter as much, because you can leave them behind at any time."

He looked up at you, "That's exactly it," he said. His words were almost a whisper, like he was surprised you nailed down exactly what he was feeling.

"You do this often?" you asked.

"No. You're my first try," he said. You noticed he didn't seem too keen to elaborate so you didn't push it.

"All right then, so what's your name?" you asked, trying to get him to engage. You were interested now. You kinda, maybe, wanted to be his friend...

"Raphael, but you can call me Raph."

"I like that name, for some reason I feel like red is a very fitting mask color for a name like that," you remarked, looking at his crimson mask.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Yeah," you smiled. "So," you raised an eyebrow, "You gonna ask me my name or what?" you smirked.

He looked at you and smiled a little, seemingly warming up to you a bit. "What is your name?" he asked. It seemed like he actually was curious and not just addressing the formality.

"Well since you're so curious," you said sarcastically, a slight smirk on your lips and your eyebrows a little raised, "it's Y/n."

He smiled hearing your name, crossed his arms and walked up to you, and then past you, saying, "You know what color I see with your name?" You followed him as he began walking down the sidewalk. You took the edge closest to the street to minimize his visibility.

"I don't. Which one?" you asked, pointing at a secluded path to his left. You both turned.

"F/c. I don't know, I just think it's very fitting for you," he smiled, copying you. You could feel him look over to you, but you kept your gaze straight, though smiling a bit.

"That's my favorite color, you know," you told him.

"Red's mine."

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" you asked, looking over to him. His arms dropped to his sides and he went from smiling to straight faced.

"My brothers. I feel like they just don't understand me, or that they don't want to," he said.

"Was there something specific that happened?" you asked.

"No," he said, "It's more a collection of smaller things. Like them getting upset with me because of my anger issues instead of trying to help me with them, for example. I don't know, it hurts after a while," he frowns. And you can sense the pain emanating from him. All he wants is for his brothers to be there for him.

"I understand. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It can be so hard to control rage sometimes."

"No kidding," he scoffed, looking bitter again.

"I know I'm just a stranger to you, Raph, but if you'd let me, I can help you with your anger issues. I used to be a bit of a hot head myself," you told him, elbowing him a little.

He started to smile again, still looking down. "I lied earlier," he said, eyes still glued to the dirt path. Your eyebrows furrowed. "You're not a stranger to me. I don't think you ever will be. Because you're the first person not to run away... You weren't my first try. Sorry I lied," he said. He had a bittersweet expression as he looked at you for a second, looking away when he realized you were already looking at him.

You sighed, "I don't forgive you," you said, looking straight forward.

Raph stopped in his tracks, "Huh?" he said, incredulous.

You stopped and turned around to him. "Kidding," you smirked. His face changed to an annoyed look, and you rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, pulling him toward you. You pulled a pen from your pocket and wrote your number on the top of his plastron.

"Don't do that. You scared me. That was a rollercoaster," he said, flustered from the close contact, but still trying to be mad because of your trick.

You smiled and pulled away. "There, now you have my number. Call me. Actually, don't. Text me. Calling is kinda awkward," you said and grinned. He smiled and scoffed.

"You flirting with me or something?" he smirked.

You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek as you walked past him, heading back home. "Sure am!" you joked.

"H-hey wait, for real?" he called, his voice cracking.

You giggled, "Whatever you have to tell yourself!"

"Bye, Y/n!" he yelled. You stuck a hand up and waved in return, saying nothing.

He seemed more open now. You'd gotten to know this guy you didn't even know, and you'd gotten him to open up to you. And, he was a turtle. You didn't know exactly what to think, but you did know that you'd just met a pretty cool guy. And, you figured he'd be around for a while.

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