6| When He Longs For You - Raph

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Raph was falling behind his brothers in training.

And they were noticing.

It wasn't anything big. Objectively, at least. Just a missed kick here and a punch without a target there.

But Raph could glean it from their meaningful looks that they were catching on. Soft whispers in the dojo, and the upward tick of Leo's chin from the corner of the room told him he was under suspicion.

"Hey." Leo approached him.

Raph was in the dojo, practicing. He didn't acknowledge his brother.

"So..." Leo stood behind him by the arch at the edge of the carpet.

Raph kept his back turned. Through narrowed eyes and a focused mind, he kept to his intention. He watched his form and executed each movement with careful precision.

Leo stood quietly in place, watching his brother. Raph was willfully ignoring his attempts at conversation.

He watched as his kin's eyes shut just before each delivery. The moves were familiar to him, but they lacked a certain flow. The fighting style of his fiery brother was never so stiff and strained. His muscle extension was held back by a tension in his shoulders, but there was a weird sort of balance. Each move was performed robotically. Everything about what Leo watched felt uncomfortable to him. This was premeditated, text-book perfection. Completely unlike Raphael.

Raph was known to attack with a raw passion that showcased the skill he had in fighting through emotions; last second thought and execution were his specialty. Now though, he seemed to have to plan each frame in his mind before it was carried out.

Leo's eyebrows furrowed as a concern unique to older brothers brewed in his chest, sending a shiver outward that rattled through his ribs. He instinctively straightened his back, his jaw clenched on a slant, and he stepped out into the middle of the dojo. "Raph."

His brother continued to ignore him. Eyes slits, Leo circled him, but Raph's eyes never met his own. Expressionless, the terrapin in red opposed the invisible. Leo waited. And watched. And then-

Stepped in.

Electric green eyes finally found their center on cobalt blue. Both sets narrowed, and stances were assumed: challenges posed.

Raph took the offensive, striking first. Leo countered with a swift kick. Raph narrowly evaded the attack, and Leo took his distraction as an opportunity to bring him to the ground.

Raph sprang to his feet again, a soft growl vibrating through his teeth. Leo's features were pulled taut. Their eyes remained locked in tense seconds, behind both sets, a question: where is this leading?

Bright lime eyes and forest skin waited uncharacteristically patiently for the phthalo arms of his opponent to try to slip past his defenses. But they didn't. The two revolved around an imperceptible barrier, neither one of them sure if they wanted this.

Leo hoped Raph would put a stop to this ridiculous game and just talk to him. All he wanted to do was help his brother. He wasn't here to berate him for not training harder or shame him for losing his touch. He felt this nagging in his chest that wanted to see Raphael at the top of his game again. Deep down, Leo liked that Raph could take him every so often. It pushed him to work harder, and it pushed Raph to be better.

When Donnie knocked Raph flat on his ass a few days ago, it sent a shock through the system. The room went silent as though it was paying its respects to Raph's defeat. Even Donnie looked as though he'd had his jaw nailed to the floor. Mikey didn't even dare crack a joke. It was devastating for Raphael, Leo was sure. All Leo wanted was to bring Raph back to the top.

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