3| When He Falls For You - Leo

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"Yeah, you were right, that crap definitely seemed worthy of a good breakdown." Leo laughed and elbowed you in the side.

"I told you," you laughed, "trig is hard," you continued, exasperated but still positive. Leo looked at you and smiled. "So where are we going? Should I be worried?" you teased. Leo ducked around a corner into an alleyway, motioning for you to follow. "No, seriously," you asked, giving a dry chuckle as you eyed the alley.

Leo smiled at you and said, "Don't worry, nowhere dangerous."

"Yeah, that doesn't exactly answer my question..." you trailed off and looked at the alley decor. Old newspapers, a stained mattress, and graffiti that littered dirty building walls.

"Come on," Leo called. "Oh wait, real quick, is it clear- er, is there anyone over there?" he asked, pointing to the sidewalk in front of the gap between buildings.

"Ok, now I actually am kind of worried," you chuckled, but your eyebrows knitted together in concern and Leo stood and walked over to you.

He smiled sweetly and put a hand on your shoulder, "I'm taking you to meet my family," he reassured you.

Your eyes widened and you shoved him, "You couldn't have just said that, stupid?!" you sighed and rolled your eyes. "Then I'd have a whole different reason to be freaked out," you scoffed and crossed your arms.

Leo laughed and squeezed your arm, "It's going to be fine, I promise."

"Seriously, a little warning would've been nice," you remarked, as you hesitantly walked over to the sewer's opening and Leo removed the manhole cover. Your jaw dropped a little and you stared at Leo incredulously. "No way," you deadpanned.

"Yeah," Leo smiled, "come on," He took a few steps down and held out his hand for you to take.

"You're serious?" He nodded and you sighed, giving in as you inched over toward the opening. You began to bend down to take a step down after him when he grabbed your hand and pulled you toward him. He caught you bridal style and let go of his footing, letting both of you into a freefall. Mid-freefall, you yelled, "I'm going to kill you!" Your head jerked towards Leo and caught him laughing at the look on your terrified face.

Soon enough, you hit the ground with a thud, and you cringed as the sewer water splashed on your back. He put you down and moved his hands to his hips with a shit-eating grin plastered over his face. "Enjoy the ride?" he mocked.

"I think you know I didn't," you sneered, but you couldn't stay mad for long because Leo's laugh made you laugh, and soon both of you were full on cracking up and gasping for breath in the middle of a stream of sewer water. When you finally straightened up and caught your breath, with a relatively serious look on your face, you said, "Seriously though," you smiled a little, and pointed toward the shaft of light coming from the street above, "never again."

"All right," he said, putting his hands up and smiling sincerely, "I won't do it again."

"Damn right you won't," you replied, smiling, but pretending to be indignant, you strut in front of him, arms crossed. You had no idea where you were going, but you were making a point so it didn't matter.

"Uh, it's this way," You heard Leo giggle so you turned around, finding it harder to keep a smile off your face.

"Of course it is," you remarked, like you knew the whole time, "I knew that." You kept your arms crossed as you marched back towards him and took a sharp left turn into a separate tunnel.

Leo chuckled from behind and you heard him splash through the water as he caught up. Once next to you, he casually wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leaning on you a little as you walked, and said, "Lead the way, then."

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