4| When You Guys Get Closer - Donnie

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No, not quite.


That's only the half of it.





With his head in his hand Donnie watched as Y/n tinkered with the scraps of metal they'd picked up from the junkyard on their walk. His gaze fixated on her as she worked. Her head tilted while her fingers glided across the metal with grace, analyzing it carefully, taking care to inspect every inch. Her eyes flitted back and forth between the scraps and the dark floor on which the instructions for a robot of her own design laid. Moments like this with Y/n truly made Donnie appreciate her originality. She was a true intellectual like him, and he was completely and totally enamored of her.

The warmth in his chest grew and grew as he watched her work. Gazing in a dream-like haze through half-closed eyes, the reality of her working was weaved in between daydreams of her elsewhere. Eventually, she turned to him. "Hey Donnie, do you think-." She paused. "What're you supposed to be working on?" she asked, eyebrow raised, smirk painting her face.

"Huh?" he asked, sitting up and blinking the glaze from over his eyes.

She stood and walked over to him. Her hands were set on her hips as she leaned down to his face. "What're you doing over here?" She eyed over his shoulder and smiled skeptically. "It doesn't look like much," she remarked.

Donnie yawned, looking over to his desk which was empty save for a few used beakers. Residue of old chemicals on their glass insides showed an experiment that included unnatural colors like blue and purple. The sight of the dried remnants bugged Donnie enough to ascend from his chair and carry them to the lab sink. They clinked as he set them down in the metal, and he ran the water, turning it all the way to the left to get the hot. "Now I'm doing something," he taunted, peering over his shoulder.

"Hmm," she hummed. "But what were you doing?" she asked. Donnie could hear the insinuation in her voice. Did she know?

"What're you talking about? I was just falling asleep a little bit," he lied.

Her footsteps trailed up behind him. "That much was clear," she agreed. "But what were you dreaming about?" Her hand snaked up and over Donnie's shoulder, turning his face to her. She stood on her tiptoes and pulled Donnie's lips inches from hers. "Who, rather?" Her warm breath on his mouth was almost irresistible.

"I-I, Y-y/n, I really d-don't know..." He gulped. "W-what you're talking about-t..."

Her eyes narrowed seductively and she lifted her chin. "Oh come on Donnie..." She whined. "Just tell me..." She trailed off, leaving Donnie speechless. After a moment of silence she seemed dissatisfied with his lack of response and yanked him away from the sink and slammed him back into his desk. She moved right up to his plastron and jerked him down to her level. Her eyebrows were furrowed now.

Donnie looked back and forth desperately between each of her e/c eyes. "Y-y/n what're you d-doing?" he asked critically, placing his hand on her cheek now.

She smiled at the contact, loosening her grip. She got close to his lips again, and whispered, "Just tell me..."

"T-tell you what? I don't know what you need to hear from me!" Part of him did know. But he couldn't say it.

Her lips pursed and her expression tightened once more. She yanked Donnie from his desk and threw him onto his desk chair. She marched over after him and climbed onto his lap. His hands went to her waist instinctively. She leaned over to his ear. "Just tell me," she whispered again.

Donnie threw her off his lap and backed away from her. "Y/n I'm so confused, please just clue me in here," he begged.

She seemed to get angrier. Her breathing quickened and she picked up a beaker from his desk. She tossed it up in the air and caught it in her palm. She did it again. She looked back to him, her eyebrows pointed down. "Tell me how you feel, Donatello!" she screamed, winding her arm back and smashing the beaker on the ground.

The pieces flew through the air as Donnie's eyes shot open. He fell from his chair and scampered quickly away from Y/n.

"Oh, Donnie! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you, you were sleeping and I thought I'd wash the beakers for you, but I dropped one. I know it bothers you when they're dirty," Y/n explained quickly.

Donnie squinted and rubbed his eyes. "...I was asleep?" he asked.

Y/n looked at him curiously. "Yeah... that's why I had these." She held up a beaker. "I was bringing them to the sink and one fell down and shattered. I'm really sorry..."

"I thought I already washed those..." Donnie started, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. "I was at the sink, a-and you were behind me..."

"Mm," she hummed. "That never happened, Donnie," she said. "I asked what you were doing and you fell asleep literally right after that." She giggled a little bit. She set the beaker down and walked over to him, kneeling at his side. "So I decided to surprise you by washing your beakers, but I ended up not only breaking one, but also waking you up..."

Donnie breathed clearly. He blinked a few more times and reached forward to put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I forgive you," he told her. "Thank you for trying to do that for me, I really appreciate you." She smiled widely at him. "C'mere," he said as he stood, opening his arms. He took a deep breath as she walked into his arms, holding her tight. He liked this version of Y/n much more than the one in his dream.

"Did you have any dreams?" she asked suddenly. Donnie stiffened.

"Y-yeah, one of you actually..." He trailed off.

"Oh yeah?" she asked.

"You kept trying to get me to tell you something..."

"What was I trying to get you to tell me?" she asked.

"I-I don't know exactly..."

"Well," she started, leaning farther into his chest. "If there ever is anything you need to tell me, I will always be here for you." She looked up and smiled at him as she moved her hands to the back of his neck. "But I'm not gonna force it out of you if you aren't comfortable," she assured him.

"Thank you, Y/n," he said, staring into her deep e/c eyes.

"I seriously doubt there's anything you could tell me that I wouldn't want to hear," she said. Donnie raised an eyebrow. "I really like you, Donnie, you're one of my most favorite people."

"Am I?" Donnie grinned.

Y/n nodded. "I'm always so happy around you." She smiled.

That was it. He was going to tell her. He couldn't not. He was so consumed by her.

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