2| When He Texts - Mikey

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Unknown: Hi Y/n it's Mikey!

*You changed contact to "Mikey"*

You: Hi Mikey

You: How's your night going?

Mikey: It's going alright

Mikey: I kinda wish I was hanging out with you though :)

You: You're so cute lol

You: You can come over if you want

You: I'd love to have you

You: It's pretty warm in my room though

You: Maybe we can watch a movie?

Mikey: Awesome!

Mikey: It's cool, warm is way better than cold

Mikey: Have you ever seen Die Hard

Mikey: That movie's so awesome

You: I haven't actually

You: But I don't have that one :/

You: Have you ever seen Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo Dicaprio?

Mikey: No is it good?

Mikey: Y'know Leo is my brother's name

You: No way, really?

You: You have a brother?

Mikey: I have three brothers actually lol

You: Oh yeah actually I think you'd mentioned them before

You: What're they like?

Mikey: There's Leo and he's the oldest, and also the leader of our team

Mikey: I don't know if I said this but we're ninjas lol

You: Yeah I think I picked up on that lol

Mikey: And then Raph who's also older than me and he's kind of mean all the time

Mikey: And then Donnie who's again also older than me because I'm the youngest

Mikey: Donnie's really really smart and he's built all these cool inventions for us like these go-cart things and he messes with our weapons for us to make them even cooler

You: What kind of weapons do you guys have?

Mikey: Well Leo has two katanas, Raph has sais, Donnie has a bo staff, and I have nunchucks

You: Maybe you can show me some moves when you come over

Mikey: Of course dudette!

Mikey: Um haha how do I get to your place?

You: Oh right lol

You: Here's my address ---------------------------

Mikey: Gotcha

Mikey: I'll come over now!

You: See you soon!

Mikey: ...

Mikey: Um Y/n

Mikey: It's been like half an hour and I can't find your apartment😭

You: Did you put the address in your maps app?

Mikey: No it doesn't work

Mikey: So I just tried to wing it heh

You: Well that's why you can't find it lol

You: Where are you?

Mikey: By Murakami's, near the theatre

You: Ok yeah you've gone too far

You: Come back a little near the park, with the small fountains

Mikey: Ok I'm there

You: Ok now face the biggest entrance to the park, cross the street, turn left, then the third building down is my apartment complex

You: I'll stick my head out the window so you can see me lol

Mikey: I can see you lol

Mikey: I'm coming

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