7| Advice - Mikey

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"Can I talk to you?" he inquired softly.


"Sure, Mikey. What's going on?"

"I guess. What's this about?"

"Yeah. Let me just put this stuff away."


"I need your advice on something. It's important. No pranks, I promise."


"Okay... You're starting to worry me. Is there something wrong?"

"Just spit it out, Mikey, I already said yes."

"You saying no pranks makes me think this is a prank."


"Look, I've... had feelings for Y/n for a while now, and um-"


"Yeah, I already know about that. You're not exactly great at hiding it."

"No shit."

"I knew it! I guessed it first."


"O-okay, that's not the point!" He began to get flustered. "The point is I want her to know how I feel, okay?"


"Wow, um... That's a big decision."

"Oh, little bro..."

"I don't know what to say..."


"Hello! I need your help!" he cried. "Do I do it?" he asked, his eyes pleading.


The three older brother's of the apricot accoutred youngest stood together in a forum of mutual confliction. They gathered in a collective half-circle behind Donnie's lab desk, obscuring their faces from view with the inward hunch of their huddle. Mikey had come to the lab last, and by that time, the two eldest that had already been talked to caught on and followed him, watching as he asked Donnie the same question they'd been posed not ten and fifteen minutes before respectively.

Now, all three stood a mere five feet from the fourth, doing their best to whisper possible answers to what was left up in the air. Every solution was tentative as uncertainty wavered in the air of each breath spoken. This was their baby brother. None of them wanted to see him get hurt, but they didn't want to deny him the possibility of what could be.

"What do we tell him? We can't stand here forever."

"That's not helping, Raph. We know that."

"Donnie, you're not helping either," Leo whispered.

"You telling me I'm not helping either isn't helping," Donnie shot back pettily.

"Okay, everyone shut up," Raph demanded, waving his hands around.

Leo groaned. "Guys, this is going nowhere. Maybe we should just have a conversation with him. Field his questions?" he suggested.

"You think that'll work?" Raph asked.

Donnie's eyebrows furrowed. "What's your definition of this working?" he asked.

And the bickering ceased.

Donnie and Raph looked to Leo. "We'll know we did our job if we can be real enough to help him understand the weight of his situation," he said. They nodded, but something behind their eyes didn't match the straight-lipped expressions they held.

"He needs to know the stakes too," Raph added, keeping his eyes to his older brother's.

Leo nodded, looking back at him. "Exactly. But the decision's his."

With that, the three of them straightened up and sequentially turned to face the youngest among them, who had been watching them curiously from his seated position in Donnie's spinny-chair. He sat cross-legged with his hands wrapped around the front of his shin, while a mix between a frown and a pout rested on his lips. "So?" he asked.

"Okay, Mikey," Donnie said, slipping one leg over the desk to situate himself near his little brother. "I can tell you now that none of us know whether or not you should tell Y/n about your feelings," Donnie relayed to him honestly. Mikey's expression became a little duller, and Donnie reached for his shoulder. "Things like this are complicated," he continued. "There are a lot of unknown variables." Mikey just looked into Donnie's eyes like he was waiting for him to translate all these words into a better answer. "But we do want to be your sounding board for anything you may want to talk us through."

"Well-put, Don." Donnie turned over his shoulder and Leo smiled at him warmly, standing with strong arms securely crossed over his chest.

"Do you maybe just wanna talk to us about it? How you're feeling?" Leo offered, stepping around the corner of the desk and resting against its edge to Mikey's right. Raph leapt up on the desk and sat with crossed legs between them, directly in front of Mikey.

Mikey sighed, letting his head droop. He watched his thumbs fiddle in his lap. "I don't even know where to begin..." His brothers shared their empathy through silent glances and the uneven expressions of their lips.

"Start with why," Donnie said quietly, gently bringing Mikey's chin up with the outside of his finger. He gave him a soft smile, but Mikey's attempt at a reciprocative gesture showed him just how torn up his baby brother was over her. "Take your time," he added.

The world around Mikey blurred as he sat in Donnie's lab chair. His legs hung heavy, keeping him there, as if they were magnetized toward the floor. And his arms sat in his lap like unwilling participants in a game of neighborhood tag. Though his eyes were fixed on the dusky violet floor, he saw nothing but reruns of memories he'd made with you.

Flooding through him, causing gentle shivers from his shoulders to his thighs, the recollections swept over into pensive desire. He saw himself reflected in his mind's eye; blue eyes meet e/c, painted freckles meet the rose colored flush of his other's cheeks, and the gentle intertwining of distant limbs consumes all conscious awareness.

"Because I feel her," he answers Donnie's question. "I feel her all the time." He brought his eyes to Donnie's, and then to Leo's, and finally to Raph's.

Leo steps forward, squatting just in front of Mikey, catching his eyes as they fall back below the room's midline. "Look, Mikey." He grasped his brother's cheek. "I can't offer you much in the way of decision. But I can tell you that vulnerability is a powerful tool."

Raph slipped off the desk, kneeling beside Leo. Donnie lowered himself at Mikey's left, cupping his arm.

"It can sow the seeds of blossoming bonds. It can close the distance between the estranged. It can ally enemies. It can spark empathy, trust, or love," Leo continued. Mikey thought his cobalt eyes looked as though they held the saddened secrets of experience.

"But it tears down walls. It lifts the veil," Raph took over, grabbing Mikey's attention with his sudden attentiveness.

"It rips the roots from the Earth," Donnie spoke again, "leaving the exposed soil to either be fertilized, or left to erode." Mikey's eyes watered as his breaths shook through his sternum. He leaned forward toward his brothers, letting the tears pour into his hands and soak his tangerine mask.

Leo squeezed his arm hard, forcing him to pay attention one last time as he spoke: "The bottom line, Mikey, is that your vulnerability with her, the sharing of your feelings- it has repercussions. Whether they're good or bad, you can only find out. But you have to lay yourself bare before you do."

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