3| When He Falls For You - Donnie

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"Ok, I've gotta hand it to you, that was pretty clever," you smiled, looking up at Donnie as he jumped down beside you.

"That's because I'm clever," he smiled and elbowed you as the two of you walked.

"Sorry you had to wait on the fire escape," you said, "but y'know, it might've freaked my parents out if you walked through the kitchen," you laughed.

"I get it, don't worry," he said. Donnie quickly used his hands and shifted you to the other side of him so you'd be farther from the street, even though he could be spotted more easily. He was much taller than you and moved you with ease. It was almost embarrassing how easy it was for him. You looked up at him and smiled questioningly. He smiled back down at you, "Are you excited?" he asked.

You looked straight forward and took a deep breath. "I am. Nervous, though," you paused. "What if your brothers don't like me?" you asked, frowning.

Donnie scoffed, "Don't worry about that," he elbowed you again, "they'll like you."

"How do you know?" you asked.

"I just do," he responded, "I know my brothers, and there's nothing about you they could dislike." He said it so nonchalantly that it took you off guard. To you that sounded like something that you'd say in a more serious way.

"Oh," you gasped.

"Are you all right?" he asked, turning to you and placing a hand on your back.

You blushed. "Yeah, I'm all right," you whispered.

"You sure?" he asked. "You can tell me if something's wrong." He was very calm.

"There's nothing wrong," you paused. "Could you maybe tell me about them a little more?" you asked. You were nervous and wanted to know what to expect from them.

"Of course," Donnie said. "So like I said, Leo is the oldest," he started, "although I'm the tallest," he continued proudly, smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and motioned for him to continue. "Leo wields twin katanas and is the leader of our team," he said, and it was visible he was proud to have Leo as his older brother. "Leo is thoughtful and cunning; he's the perfect fit for a leader and older brother. His ability to think clearly in crisis, and his inherently caring nature makes him perfectly suited for that role." Donnie was smiling widely now, as the two of you turned a corner you could tell that you asking about him was making Donnie more appreciative of his brother. "When you first meet him, though," he went on, "he'll probably try to act cooler than he is," Donnie scoffed, laughing.

"Oh?" you giggled, "How so? He's not this badass, crime fighting, strong, silent type?"

"His favorite show is a cartoon about space," Donnie deadpanned.

"Oh," you laughed, "ok so maybe not badass, huh?"

"Maybe not," Donnie agreed, smiling, "but he is very strong. Stronger than any of us," he concluded.

"Got it," you said quietly. You thought that would be enough to get you through some conversation with Leo. If you had to, you could always ask him about his favorite show. "What about the others?" you asked.

"Ah, Raphael," Donnie sighed, smiling just a little, "my other older brother," he said, "although he doesn't act like it."

You laughed, "No?" you asked.

Donnie sighed again, "It's kind of complicated because sometimes you can really see the big brother in him come out, but other times you'd think he was a five year old."

"Oh, how so?" you asked.

"He's a very emotional person. Anger is most common, though," Donnie said. "He's got these intense anger issues, and sometimes they cloud his vision," Donnie frowned. "I feel kind of bad for him because I know he can't help it. I know it happens because he cares," he pauses, "and that's sort of where his big brother side comes out. Like Leo, he cares about us so much, he'd do anything to protect us."

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