5| When You Fall For Him - Leo

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You rolled awake a few minutes before your alarm and snuggled further into the covers in hopes that you'd find the grace of the last few minutes slip over your eyes. Instead, a light, rhythmic tapping from outside kept you lucid. You squinted as your eyes opened and attempted to look out your window. You had to blink the cloudiness away first but eventually your vision focused on the rain drumming on the fire escape outside. You breathed deeply, immediately feeling some weight off your shoulders. You loved rain.

You began to sit up despite yourself, wanting to immediately immerse yourself in the world now that it was raining. You got off the bed, slipped into a warm sweatshirt and tied your hair up in a loose bun, letting some of the strands fall if they wanted to. You pulled the covers back up and straightened the pillows. You opened the blinds further, trying to let in as much dim morning light through the rain as possible.

You connected your speaker and started playing your rainy day playlist as you danced around your room, trying to make it nice and comfy. You grabbed more blankets out of your closet, pulled several books off the shelf, and made plans with yourself to get some sort of warm beverage, but not being able to decide which.

Your contemplation was interrupted when your room darkened. You immediately looked toward the window, in which there was something blocking the natural light. You walked around out of the cut-out corner to the side of your bed and to the window. Leo moved his hand up to wave at you and then quickly put it back to shielding his eyes from the rain. "Leo!" His eyelids creased in a smile. You hurriedly opened the window and let him in.

He shivered once he was in the warm air and wiped some of the rain off his cheeks. He looked down at the hard wood and the water that was dripping off him. "Sorry about the puddle," he said, shifting uncomfortably into the window sill.

"Oh, don't worry about it," you told him, "I'm more worried about you. You're soaking wet! What were you doing out in the rain?"

"Well I wanted to come give you this." He held out a clear take-out box containing several pieces of gyoza. "Mikey had saved you some of his pizza gyoza as a proper thank you for helping him out a couple weeks ago."

You smiled. "That's so sweet of him."

Leo continued, "But when he couldn't help himself and ended up eating it before he could give it to you, I went back to Murakami's and got you some fresh ones..."

You giggled. "Oh, Leo," you started, walking over to him and taking the box from his outstretched hand. It warmed your fingers and made you feel nice and toasty, just how you should on a rainy day. "You're so thoughtful, you didn't have to do that..."

"But I did," he said, simpering.

You laughed, walking towards him and kissing his damp cheek. "I know you did, thank you." You wiped the excess moisture off his face with your thumb. "Now, let's get you nice and dry, and we can eat these together." His face glowed pink as he looked into your eyes. After a moment you looked his shaking body up and down and asked, "Do you want hot chocolate or apple cider?"

He looked at you questioningly. "I don't think either of those will go well with pizza gyoza..."

"Yeah, but you're shivering so much I can hear your bones rattling," you deadpanned.

"Apple cider," he said, sort of sheepishly. You smiled and rolled your eyes.

"All right then, let me grab you a towel." You walked out to the hall closet and picked him out a towel, throwing it towards him and turning to leave for the kitchen when he stopped you.

"I like these songs," he said with a grin, "what kind of playlist is this?"

"It's my rainy day mix." You smiled in return, holding onto the doorframe. "I love rain and so these are songs that just make me fall in love with my environment, y'know?"

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