7| Advice - Donnie

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Donnie exhaled sharply outside his brother's room. He stood several inches from the wooden door, debating whether or not he was ready to give up this much dignity.

But, after a minute of some serious cost-benefit analysis, he concluded that he was. And he opened the door.

Poking just his head in, he knocked gently on the wood. "Mikey?"

Mikey inhaled deeply from his bed. He groggily turned his head over his shoulder to squint at Donnie. The room was dark. The light from the hall behind him infiltrated the space and cast long shadows on the wall against Mikey's bed, illuminating the action figures on his shelves, and shining right in his brother's eyes. A fan hummed in the corner of the room, muffling it as Mikey cleared his throat. Donnie could see that Mikey didn't have his mask on and that he was struggling to rub the blurriness from his eyes.

"What is it, dude?" Mikey croaked from the bed, beginning to prop himself up slowly on one arm.

"Can we talk?" Donnie asked.

Mikey blinked at him, presumably still trying to focus his gaze. "Yeah, sure," he agreed.

Donnie slipped in the room, shutting the door carefully. He reached for the light, but Mikey stopped him. "Lights off, bro," he said, voice gravelly. He let his legs tumble over the side of his bed as he bent forward, propping himself up by elbows on his thighs. Donnie grabbed the desk chair, dragging it in front of his brother and taking a seat quietly. He let his long legs point out in front of him as he slouched into the back of the chair. His knees were bent at a forty-five degree angle of flexion while his hands sat obediently in his lap.

Mikey rubbed his face and groaned. "Look, dude, if you're here to talk about the broken beakers-"

"What broken beakers?"

Mikey's eyes snapped open. "...The ones that Raph broke?" He gave an abashed smile.

Donnie's eyes narrowed. Mikey chuckled awkwardly. Donnie groaned, "Mikey," he whined, "next time you blow something up, I'm just gonna tell you to tape it back together."

"Sorry, D." He frowned sincerely, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure." Donnie waved his hand at him dismissively and sighed.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Donnie breathed through his mouth, focusing on the ground without tilting his head. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked up at his younger brother. Mikey had opted not to put his mask or any of his gear back on. He was still leaning forward on his legs, but his eyes were more attentive, and they were looking right into Donatello's.

"I need your help." Donnie fought his mind's inclination to bite back the words. They tasted odd on his tongue, but he knew better than to deny Mikey the competence in an area he navigated far better than himself.

To his surprise, Mikey didn't harp on it. "With what?" he asked.

Donnie sucked his lip. "You have a much easier time relating to people affectionately than I do, Mikey."

Mikey's head ticked to the side. "I know you didn't come here to compliment me." His eyes narrowed just slightly, maintaining the gentle aura of his character.

Donnie nodded a few times in a tight interval, averting his eyes before he spoke. "I need your advice. I really, really like Y/n." Mikey hummed knowingly, letting a smile emerge as he looked right through Donnie. "And part of me," Donnie continued, "however misguided," he emphasized, "thinks that maybe there's a chance for us." The darkness of the room obscured Mikey from view as Donnie focused on the rug. He shook his head as he lifted it, addressing Mikey directly, "Am I stupid to think this'll work?" He exhaled distinctly, filling the silence. "Should I tell her how I feel?" His voice broke on the last syllable.

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