4| When You Guys Get Closer - Leo

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Ever since he had brought her down to the Lair for the first time Y/n had quickly taken to sticking around there more often. Her and Mikey had become pretty close, naturally. And it's not that Leo didn't like their friendship, he did, it's just that... well it's just that it irked him, all right?

Ever since that day Leo hadn't stopped thinking about her. He couldn't. He thought about her when he woke up, all the way up until he fell asleep at night. Y/n's face was painted across the backs of his eyelids and he saw her every time he blinked. And as much as he needed to keep a stoic demeanor as a leader, Y/n could make his walls crumble.

This wasn't anything like he'd felt with Karai. This was real. Karai was a fleeting distraction. Y/n was fresh and confident, she was beautiful and intelligent. She was skillful, and she reminded Leo a little of himself sometimes. He liked what he saw in her and soon began to realize he didn't know what'd he'd done before her. Who did he watch TV with? Who did he talk to on long walks? Who was there for him when he needed to talk about things his brothers wouldn't understand?

Y/n embodied everything he needed and everything he'd always wanted. But something stung. She had no idea. She didn't know the power she held, and she didn't know how Leo felt. She didn't know how badly he wanted to hold her, or how badly he wanted her all to himself. She didn't know how badly he wanted her and Mikey to scoot a little farther apart.

Leo glared across the pit to Mikey and Y/n who were sitting on the entrance steps laughing and talking to one another. But the daggers from his eyes weren't enough to break up their conversation. Just the way Y/n's knees pointed towards Mikey when she spoke to him stabbed Leo enough to actually pain him.

Deep down Leo knew Mikey wasn't a threat, but this was just the way he was. Leo was a romantic; he wasn't obsessive, but he was attached, very attached. He would fall quickly, and subsequently crash and burn quickly. Every small thing took a toll on his poor heart, and seeing his little brother having such an amazing time with the girl he was so attached to troubled him to no end.

Leo watched them for a long while, fearful that Mikey would do something to make Y/n forget about him, and Mikey would be all she needed. It was irrational, sure, Leo knew that, but his heart didn't. He knew Mikey knew he liked her, he knew Mikey wouldn't hurt him. But eventually, a moment did come when Mikey made Y/n laugh so hard that she put her hand on his shoulder, and that was the last straw for Leo. He felt a sharp jab in his chest and he just had to do something. He jumped up and stormed over there, determined to interrupt whatever Y/n thought was so funny. He forced a smile on his face as he approached and looked to Y/n first. But as he was about to speak something occurred to him and he stopped himself, "Um, actually," he started, "y'know what, nevermind. I'll be right back." He walked away and went to his room. He sat down on his bed and took a deep breath, trying to ease the envy. He'd changed his mind, he wasn't going to walk over there and break them up just because of some jealousy that wasn't even valid.

He knew that if he was ever going to have a shot with Y/n he was going to have to dial it back. As much as he wanted to let it show that he liked her, and to drop hints for her to pick up on, he wanted to tell her at the right time. And to do that, he couldn't think of himself as her boyfriend already, because he wasn't. She was just a girl he had a crush on, and he needed to treat her as such.

So, Leo went back up to them, cool, calm, and collected, and said, "Hey, guys." He smiled genuinely at them both before turning to Mikey. "Do you mind if I steal Y/n for a while?" he asked.

"Sure, dude," Mikey said, hopping up and patting Leo's shoulder as he passed. "See ya, dudette," he called.

"Hey," Y/n said as Leo sat beside her. She scooted closer. Leo smiled at her.

"You wanna take a walk?"


"I've missed these," Y/n stated as she breathed in new air. "Why haven't we been on a walk in a while?" she asked, turning to her left to see a thoughtful looking turtle beside her.

Leo sighed. "You've been pretty busy with Mikey," he admitted.

Y/n brushed him off, "Oh please, Mikey's cool but you know I love our walks." She said it so nonchalantly Leo almost lost hold of his effort to be acceptant of the situation. He could've told her then and there.

He squeezed his eyes and shook his head a little, sighing and sticking his hands inside his belt. "I've missed them too. I really do like being around you."

"I'm glad, Leo," she said, "I really like being around you, too."

"There's just something about your energy..." he trailed off. There was more he wanted to say about her.

Their walking slowed as Leo felt more of Y/n's attention focus on him. "How do you mean?" she asked.

Leo bit his tongue. "It's... Well, I..." But he could only hold so much back. "I find it magnetic," he said to her, turning and looking directly into her eyes as they stopped walking. Y/n was silent. Leo continued, "Mikey seems to think so, too.." He had said it, and now he was vulnerable.


"Mikey seems to think so, too..." At those words it finally hit you. The trail off at the end. The low tone. The hint of sadness lacing his words. The averted, downward gazing eyes. The quick glance up. The hands fidgeting. He was scared. But why was he scared? Did he really think that you liked Mikey more than him? Was he worried that he would lose you? Why would he worry about that?

You studied him in the silence that followed his words. Stepping forward you lifted his chin to meet his eyes. You traced down his arm to his hand. His eyes widened slightly and he almost spoke, but your finger touched his lips. You needed the silence to think.

He was scared because of Mikey. Because Mikey liked your energy. Because you and Mikey were friends? He felt threatened. Why did he feel threatened? Possibly because of how close you and Mikey were. Why did he need you to want him more? Maybe he was feeling abandoned? It must be hard to find people to stick by you when you're a mutant turtle. Maybe he just wants to know that you'll stick by him. But if he thinks you like Mikey, wouldn't that mean the mutant turtle thing isn't a factor? Maybe there was something more. Maybe he needed you to need him for another reason.

You looked in his cobalt blue eyes and whispered, "Leo..." You looked down. You grabbed his other hand. You looked back up. "You don't have to worry."

His lip quivered and he took a quiet, shaky breath. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you've got me," you said. "I'm not going anywhere." You squeezed his hands. There was silence as Leo processed what you were saying. You looked down. His three green fingers wrapped around your hands so nicely. Warm and soft.

"W-what are you saying?" Leo muttered.

You looked back up to him and smiled. "I'm saying that if I had to pick one of the four of you, I would choose the brave, blue-masked turtle that saved my life." You brought your hands to his shoulders, and then to his face. He held your hands there. "That's all there is to it," you said. "No question."

"Why?" he whispered. You giggled, pulling him into you. As you wrapped him in your arms you thought about why, but you couldn't tell him that yet.

Instead, you said, "I've got my reasons. Let's continue our walk. You know I love these."

A/N: Just a little build up chapter before we get to you falling for him. Just so you guys get to see how much he really likes you ;). I hope you're having a good day/night!

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