2| When He Texts - Donnie

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Unknown: Hi, Y/n, it's Donnie.

*You changed contact to "Donnie"*

You: Hi Donnie how are you

You: And how are your brothers

Donnie: I'm well, and they are, too. Thank you for asking.

You: Do you always text in perfect grammar

Donnie: Yes. It's more efficient than being lax about grammar and syntax; it helps to avoid confusion.

You: But don't you think it'd be easier to just not lol

Donnie: No, I think the same amount of effort would be required either way.

You: But you won't get upset if I don't text like that right lol

Donnie: No, I'm used to it. My brothers never text correctly either.

You: I think "correctly" is a strong word but ok

You: But tell me about your brothers

You: What are they like

Donnie: Leo is my eldest brother. Since the four of us are a team of ninjas, we need a leader, and that's Leo's job. I think it was a wise choice from our sensei to make him our leader; he is very driven and calm, as well as strategic and realistic.

Donnie: Next is my older brother, Raph. He's the second oldest of the four of us. He's almost the opposite of Leo. While Leo is thoughtful and cunning, Raph is impulsive and emotion-driven. He has anger issues that he doesn't have a handle on and it causes problems for him. However, he is the strongest, in terms of brute force, of all of us.

Donnie: And then there's Mikey, who's my little brother, and the youngest. He didn't really mentally mature very much past the age of 10, so he's immature and sort of child-like. He also doesn't understand many things, so we end up having to explain things to him fairly often. But, he's very creative and caring, and kind of unpredictable.

You: Leo seems cool

You: Raph sounds fun to hang out with

You: And Mikey just seems adorable

You: I can't wait to meet them

Donnie: It would be great if I could take you to meet them sometime. I'm sure they'd love you. You'd keep my "science talk", as they've dubbed it, just between you and I, so they wouldn't have to listen to it.

You: Well I like your science talk

You: Maybe I should come over soon

Donnie: Maybe you should.

Donnie: Do you want to come over tomorrow?

Donnie: As we constantly have to live in the shadows from people, we never have much going on.

You: I'd love to Donnie, but I'll have to come up with an excuse to give my parents as to why I'm going out

You: Got any ideas?

Donnie: Maybe I should come over there and help you.

You: Now?

You: It's like 12:30 in the morning lol

Donnie: Neither of us are asleep.

You: Fair point

You: Just make sure when you get to the window you land on the fire escape quietly, it rattles really easily, and it's quite loud

Donnie: Well, I am a ninja.

Donnie: I'm almost there.

Donnie: And don't worry, Y/n, I'll be quiet.

Donnie: ...




Donnie: Ok, that may not have been as quiet as I would have hoped.

You: I can still hear it rattling

Donnie: I don't think anyone woke up.

You: Oh y'know, except for like the entire apartment complex

Donnie: I apologize. I did not expect that.

You: That's kinda why I warned you lol

Donnie: I realize that now.

Donnie: I know you're upset but could you let me in now? It's freezing out here.

You: Mmm

You: Three more minutes

You: Then you can come in, and I'll make you apple cider to warm up lol

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