3| When He Falls For You - Mikey

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Snuggled up under blankets in your warm room with your laptop perched on your hip and your head propped upright on several pillows, you perused through Netflix's movie catalog as the streetlight shown in through your open blinds. You were a bit of a film junkie and had seen most of their better options, so it was proving difficult for you to find a good title to click the play button on. You groaned and swiped quickly back to the top, clicking on the search bar, when your phone started to ring.

You let your other hand emerge from the covers and bring the phone into view. It was Mikey. You smiled as you brought the phone to your ear. "Hi, Mikey," you greeted.

"Hey, Y/n," he started, "what're you up to?" he asked. You could hear some clattering and far off voices in the background of his question.

"I was just about to watch a movie, do you wanna come over to watch with me?" you asked, "I'll make us some popcorn," you offered.

Mikey laughed a little. "I was just about to ask you the same." You liked his laugh, it made you feel warm. Warm like the Sunday evenings you so loved to spend under the sun. You wondered if you'd invite Mikey to come sit with you one of those days.

"Well it seems as though we're on the same page," you swooned, smiling at the thought of you and Mikey sitting under the Red Maple tree on a Sunday evening, being enveloped by the warm sun rays and the sounds of the rustling leaves and the night's incoming crickets.

"It seems we are," he agreed in a pleasant, low tone, "what should we do about this?" he teased.

You giggled a little. "Well, why don't you come over here and we can sit under my blankets, and you can help me pick out a movie," you offered.

"Actually, I already have a movie I wanna watch, if that's all right?" he asked.

"Of course, Mikey, what is it?" you assured him.

"Titanic. My brother said it's the type of movie I should watch with you? Whatever that means," he said, murmuring the last part.

You giggled into the receiver, knowing what his brother was implying. "Sounds good, but Netflix doesn't have Titanic anymore," you said sadly.

"Oh, well that's all right, I have it here... Do you wanna come over here and watch it with me?" he asked sheepishly.

"Of course! I've actually been wanting to meet your brothers," you admitted.

"Awesome!" he exclaimed. "Meet me at the corner of Bleecker and Sullivan in ten minutes, I'll walk you to the lair from there!"

"Lair?" You chuckled. "That sounds kind of ominous, should I be worried?"

"Oh no, it's really awesome, I can give you a tour, too," he suggested excitedly.

You laughed again and sighed happily. "I'll meet you at Bleecker and Sullivan in ten, see you then, Mikey," you said.

"See you then, Y/n."

You hung up the phone and closed your laptop, placing it on the bedside table. You kicked the mountain of blankets off and jumped up. You pulled on some more suitable clothes than your pajamas, and slipped on your shoes.

The hallway creaked as you walked over to your parents' room. You knocked softly and asked, "Hey, um, can I go watch a movie with my friend?"

"Sure," your mom replied from the other side of the door, "just be home by midnight, and be safe, sweetheart," she told you.

You smiled to yourself. "Thanks, mom."

And with that you hurried down the stairs and out the front door, on your way to meet Mikey.

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