chapter 18: A Day with Hunter

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Two Days later I'm at school walking down the hallway. I am starting to show like really show. as I am walking down the hallway I get disgusted looks. I am wearing my favorite leather jacket with a grey t shirt and jeans. I see Elliott in the distance at his locker.

I look at him and he see's me. he shuts his locker and ran up to me. he put his arm around me and saw that I looked a little worried. "hey babe, what is it?" I look at him and we started walking " nothing, some people looking at me funny." he looks at me and stops me. his blue green eyes look into mine. " babe, don't worry about them let them think what they want to think they are the dumb ones." he says as he kissed my forehead. I give him a hug " I don't care what they think, it's just that now I am the really weird new kid."

he laughs " don't worry i'm a new kid too" he says. " no babe, your the hot new kid and I'm the stupid teen mom new kid" " whatever" he says as he opens the door for me. we kiss goodbye and I walk in to my first period class.

at lunch

i walk into the cafatiraia and Nash waved at me to sit with him, Kyle, and Hunter. i sit down by the hot one i really liked lol. Hunter. "Hey Hunter i havent seen you in forever!" i say as he gives me a hug. he notices my stomach. " so how you been are you doing good?" i shook my head yes. " hey Ray" kyle says getting up to go behind my seat to give me a hug. "hey kyle" i say. i have fiffth period with him. so right after lunch. Hunter is a grade ahead of us so i barely see him.

as we were all having a good time Elliott walks into the lunch room and starts searching what it looks like he is very very worried. " Nash if you want me to keep eating lunch with yall. i think you might want to hide me. Kyle handed me a textbook and said " hey scoot up so he wont see your stomach."

i did what Kyle said and it worked. Elliott started to run back out of the lunch room. Suddenly Miranda renn appears in front of us. We all stop talking and looked at her. She was wearing a purple blouse top with a black skirt and a purple purse. Her hair was in mini curls everywhere. "Well,well,well if it isn't knocked up Rachel." Ugh. "What do you want miranda?" Hunter says disgusted.

Kyle rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Nothing just came to stop by and talk to Rachel." "What do you want" I say " nothing just to tell you watch out, because i've been hanging with Elliott a lot after school everyday and i think he is starting to like me. so soon or later he won't be your boyfriend much longer." she says as she flips her hair and puts her hand on her hip. no wonder everybody hates her. i stand up. " you know what miranda, i dont care you can try but i know him better than you and he won't let that happen. no he did'nt knock me up because we both decided to have this baby. t's no wonder everybody hates you! because you get in everyones business. Now Shut the fuck up and get out of here bitch!" i sit back down in pride while everybody was watching us. kyle, hunter, and nash had their mouths open in shock. i look at miranda and she starts to walk off.

nash stood up and gave me a high five. "whooo!!" i laughed. everybody startted clapping. probably the first person to tell miranda off i guess. kyle pats me on the shoulder. we start back talking. when i got a text from Elliott.

Elliott: hey babe i just got a call from the hospital, your uncle has been shot on the job three times. they are taking him to surgey, he told me i should be the one to tell you. i'm heading to the hospital now. see you when you get there.

"oh my god!" the boys look at me and all said " whats wrong?" " my uncle's in the hospital i have to go." i jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bookbag. "let me go with you" hunter said. "i can drive since i leave right after lunch, my truck is just right outside" " thanks but i can drive." i say as i put my hand on his shoulder." no please don't walk that far it's ok i can take you it's no problem." he says. "ok" i say goodbye to nash and kyle Nash grabs my hand. " hey i will be there as soon as i can" he kisses my hand and i told him ok.

once we got into his truck, it was luxirous. it was amazing. like really expensive. "wow! hunter nice truck!" he smiled "why thank you" "i never took you as a fancy person" " oh, come on. it doesnt fit me does it?" i shook my head no "no, but i think you would be really handsome in a tux though" he smiled and started the truck. " let me text Jazz to see if she can drive my car to the hospital." he said " ok"

Rachel: hey Jazz im leaving school my uncle got shot. i left my car at school where i usaully park it. can you drive it to the hospital when school's out. you know where the spare key is. thanks

i hit send.

soon Jazz texted back.

Jazmine: hey sure wait who's taking you now Elliott?

Rachel: no Hunter

Jazmine: oh my god you go girl.

"hahahaha" i laughed and hunter looked at me while we were at a stoplight. "what's funny?" he said and i say " nothing it's just Jazz being Jazz." the light turns green and hunter starts driving and more focused on the road. Hunter is really a good guy. handsome, smart, funny, knd, outgoing, popularand some what evil. everytime i am around hunter i just zone out. He is so perfect just like Nash and Kyle. it's so weird but when i'm with Elliott he is nothing like perfect. i guess that's because i have been with him a long time. i used to see Elliott that way, like two years ago he was all i could think about, my whole world. he still is but i just don't know how to explain it.

at the Hospital

once we got to the hospital me and hunter ran up to the desk." may i help you?" the lady asks. "yes Joey Jordan my uncle how is he, can i see him?" "not yet but i can take you to the waiting area and a doctor may be here to tell you soon. "Thank you" i say. she takes us to the surgey waiting room. as were walking hunter puts his hands on my shoulders. we sit down and out of nowhere i started crying. i put my face on hunters chest beside me and i covered my face and started cryng. "shh he's going to be ok, Joey can pull it off he wont let that happen. " he rubbs my back but i cry even harder. "Rach, someone wants to talk to you." Hunter says. i look up to find Debrah standing there in tears to.

i sit up in my chair "Debra are you ok?" i say with a crack in my voice she shook her head no and sat beside me. " what happened?" i ask her and hunter tapped my shoulder. "i'm going to get something to drink do you want something?" he asks. i shake my head yes and he walks off. "i didnt see the guy. when i should have and out of nowhere the dude comes out and starts shooting everything in his path. i should have made him put that vest on but he wasnt listening." she cries even harder. "it's ok you know he is stubborn." i say with a little laugh.

a doctor comes in wearing light blue scrubbs. she calls out "Anybody here for Joey Jordan" i stand up and so does Debra. " how is he " debra asks. " he is doing fine. the bullets were near the heart but dr. Walcin fixed his heart and the bullets out. mr. jordan is in the icu but i will come back when visitors are allowed. " thank you" i say before she walks away. in the background i see Nash, Hayes, and Elliott. " i'm going to the resroom." debra says. she gets up and walks down to the restrooms.

Hayes looked at me in disgust. "look at you looking all ratchet." he smiles and laughs. *slap* *oww!* Nash slapped the heck out of his face. " haha! who looks ratchet now." i say and hayes looked the other way. he really doesnt like me. Elliott sits down beside me where debra was sitting. Nash sits in hunter's seat and Hayes sits beside Nash. Elliott kissed my cheek and asked "how is he?" "he is fine he is in icu and cant have visitors right now. Hunter comes back with a mtn dew, pepsi, and a bag of chips. i get up and to let hunter sit down. "no sit" he motiions me to sit back down. "no its fine" i say. "ok" he sits down. i sit down on his lap. oh my god he did not expect that "haha" we both laughed.

That was awkward so i sat on Elliott's lap. he interlocked our hands. hunter hands me the mtn dew. i open the mtn dew and Eliott takes it away from me and takes a sip. he hands it back to me.i took a sip. "Nash i got a question" he says "yes?" " why did you bring Hayes, just wondering?" "he wanted to come. yall really hate each other dont you" Hayes looks at me " i don't hate you its just somethings that i can't explain that i will tell you some other time.

After we see Joey and whoever is not staying has to go

Hunter gives me a hug and says goodbye. Nash does the same and Hayes just looks the other way. Elliott kisses me and walks out with them. i kinda wished Hunter would have stayed but oh well.

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