chapter 23: First Party

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Nash and me feel asleep on the floor when we fell. His shirt is somewhat wet. I look at Nash and remembered. " Emmett!" I rushed to go upstairs to find him sound asleep.I looked at my phone and it was 6:30 am he wakes up at 7:00am so I have time to get ready.

Before I get ready I go wake up Nash. "Nash wake up!" He sits up. " let me have your shirt, it's wet so I need to dry it and Elliott left some clothes in the bedroom so you can where something of his." Nash takes off his shirt. Oh my god! Rachel look away you got to look away. Look away stop it!. I say in my head. I get up and go to the dryer.

I was fixing Emmett's diaper bag when I herd him crying. I go upstairs to find Nash holding him and Emmett's not crying. "I got him" Nash says. I hand him Emmett's bottle and Nash feeds it to him. " you two look so adorable" I say and walk out the room to go fix my lunch.

At school.

I am driving Elliott'S car. Nash and me get out and I get Emmett out. " ima go ahead and go to class" Nash says heading towards Kyle and Hunter. But I see Hunter running towards me. " hey beautiful need some help?" Hunter says taking mtg backpack and diaper bag. "Thank you" I say. Hunter smiles at me "your welecome"

"So do you know what Elliott wanted me to go to?" "Yeah, I think it's Jack'S party tonight. Well that's what he said he was gonna take you unless his parents called and said that they wanted him to go see them." Hunter says as he opens the door to the day care. "Oh, so I guess it will be Nash to take me. But I don't want things to be awkward even though we are best friends, but me and him I know he hates me now" I say as I write down saying I'm dropping off Emmett.

"Well you can ride with me, do you have someone to watch Emmett?" Hunter says. "Yeah Joey will cause he hasn't seen him in a while." "Good" he smiles. " Oh and I can pick up Emmett after lunch and take him to Joey" Hunter says. "Sure, just sign this paper I filled it out already cause I keept a couple just on case."

At lunch.

I am with Nash, Kyle, and Hunter like I usually do lunch is about over. "Alright I'm going to go pick up Emmett."Hunter says getting up. "Ok"

At home

"Rachel it'S Hunter I came to pick you up." "Alright give me a second" I tell downstairs. I was wearing a navy blue and black chevron dress. It matched my skin tone. My hair is in curls and I was wearing sandals. I already put makeup on. I was putting my earings in. I checked my self in the mirror and walked down to meet Hunter downstairs.

"So what do you think?" I say. And Hunter turned around and I could see he was amazed. "You look so beautiful" I laughed. "Thank you" I walked down the stairs. "I'm ready let's go" I turned around and kissed Hunter. "Oh my God I'm sorry I guess Elliott is still in my head and thought he was still here sorry" I say covering my mouth with my hand. " nah, it's ok but you are a good kisser by the way." Hunter says taking my hand and kissing it.

At the party 8:00pm

I was with Hunter. If me and Hunter had a lot of fun. We got to know each other a little better. But we drank a lot. I am drunk as fuck. So us Hunter. Hunter came closer. "So beautiful let me take you somewhere." He grabs my hand and we end up in a bedroom.

"Hunter I-" he hushed me and he kissed me. Damn. He was a good kisser. When we broke apart I kissed him again. He pushed me down on the bed and started to unzip my dressed. I got up and zipped up my dress. " Hunter I like you I really really like you but I'm dating Elliott who is your best friend and I don't want to make everyone lives complicated."

" I knew I should have made my move on you a long time ago." He sighs. And walks out the room back to the drunks and dirty dancing. I wait a few minutes to find Nash. But Nash found me first. "Rachel I love you and you know that and you love me to-" Nash says. He is more drunk than I am.

"Nash I'm sorry ok but I'm ready to go home or need some more drinks and dance will you dance with me." I take his hand and we start dancing like all the other people. That's the last thing I remembered and I guess I was really drunk.

The music got louder and louder. Me and Nash we so close. And all I could feel was the best drop. Lights were going everywhere. Nash came in closer and we kissed. Next thing I know we were in the bedroom me and Hunter kissed. Nash when we broke apart Nash unzipped my dress and I let him.

I took off Nash'S shirt. He picked me up and started walking towards the wall. My back hit the wall. Our kisses growing deeper and more passionate. When me and Elliott kiss it never felt like this. There was electricity running everywhere and jitters everywhere to. I could feel my stomach in knots. My heart was racing. And it felt like it was beating outside of my chest. Everywhere he touched burned and felt like more electricity going through me. His kisses so powerful If I was standing up it would bring me to my knees.

I do love Nash everything about him. He let me go and I pushed him down on the bed. And once we broke apart we stared at each other. "I love you" he said and we kissed again and again.

Next day (Saturday)

I woke up with my head on someone's chest. I was naked to. And whoever it was they were naked to. I looked up to find it was Nash. What happened last night.

The Time I Saw You (Nash Grier FanFiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن