chapter 24: your back

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I got up and ran to the bathroom and puked. "Oh my god" I said. I drank way to much last night. Especially since that was my first time drinking alcohol. I got a headache from hell. I tried to get up but then I threw up again.

I guess since I was making a lot of noise I woke up Nash. I instantly tried to cover up with a towel since I was still naked.he rolled over in the bed and got comfortable but the next minute he was right beside me throwing up. Gross. He stopped and looked at me. His face grew red. "What" I said. He looks down to get me to look down. I guess the towel didn't stay up cause both my boobs were showing.

My face grew hot. at least Nash had his underwear on. I guess I didn't put my underwear and bra back on. I pull the towel up. Nash looks at me. " I don't care cause I don't want to see them I want to see you and only you." He says as his hand caress my cheek.I put my hand on his. "Oh my god Joey and Emmett!" I shot up fast and saw that this was not Elliott's house.

I rush over to my clothes. I pushed Nash out and I hurried to get dressed and fix my face and hair. Even though there was nothing but guy stuff in there anyways. I washed my face with a wash cloth and got most of all the makeup that was on my face. Because I barely use makeup. I look and feel like a different person when I do wear makeup.

I put my heels on and earings in. I open the bathroom door to find Nash looking out the sliding glass door. He was fully dressed in last night's clothes. Hunter told me that it was a specific party. A dress up fancy party. So nash was sitting on the bed in his tux. I stopped and just stared at him. His hair messy but looks amazing. Everything handsome.

He turned and looked at me. His mouth opens and shuts like he was about to say something but didn't. "You look so beautiful" he comes up to me and puts his hand on my arm. I gasp. Didn't mean to but. Everywhere he touched. Feels like I'm being burned but a good burn though. Electricity forming at his touch. He slides his hand up my arm. I could feel my stomach getting butterflies again.

"Nash" I said. But he hushed me. " you might not remember what happened last night but I did and I saw you with Hunter I'm never letting you get away from me now." He picks me up and puts one hand on my lower back. He backs up to the wall. I start to remember what exactly what happened. The music was so loud and my back hit the wall when the beat dropped.

We just stare for a second and we kissed exactly like last night. I want to continue but I have to go pick up Emmett. Nash swings me over and walks to the bed and pushes me down on the bed. Nash stopped and I looked confused. He just laughs. "What" I said. "Hoping for more are you? What did you and Elliott do it every night?" He says with a big smirked on his face.

"Tease and no we don't." I grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at him and I got up and went out the door. I took one step out the door and lots of people were by the door. "Shit what happened" I say under my breath"

I continued to go down stairs and even more people were down here asleep. I walk towards the kitchen to get to the front door when I spotted Kyle and Hunter. I didn't want to wake them but I woke up Kyle. I shook Kyle awake "kylle!!!! Wake upppp!!" Kyle jumped up and landed on the floor.

I chuckled. "Hey Kyle I need a ride to joeys and a ride home is that ok?" I ask him. He was so cute with his morning face hahah. But devilishly handsome. He wore a highlighter dark blue suit. "Sure no problem just let me wake Hunter.

" I stopped him from touching Hunter. "No! Don't wake him up let him sleep he looks so peaceful he must be having a good dream or something why can't you take me home?" "He has my keys" "oh" I reached in his pockets. "Aha! Got them" I handed them to Kyle. "Thanks" Nash came down the stairs." Go hurry go!" I started to push Kyle out the door and to his truck. We get in and Nash is standing by the door trying to find us.

Nash goes back in the three story house. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "What's wrong with you and Nash now?" Kyle says as he starts his truck. "Ummm I will tell you everything Monday in class" I say. Kyle backs up and we head towards Joey'S house.

Back home

"Dang, this place is awesome." Kyle says putting his keys down on the counter. I put Emmett in the play pen. "Hungry I am going to cook some breakfast" I say looking in the fridge to see what we had.

"I'm starving" he says shaking his head. I giggled " I bet." There was a knock on the door and someone came in. "Hey Rachel! It's Jazz came to see if you had a hangover from last night" jazz laughed as she brought medicine with her. I laughed "yes I do" Jazz walked over to Emmett in the play pen and picked him up. " come here let aunt Jazz hold you" Kyle looks at Jazz and smiles.

"Ok who want pancakes,bacon, and grits?" I say calling out to Jazz, Kyle, and Hunter. "Me!" They all shouted. I lauged. They all fixed a plate. They were playing the Xbox that was in the living room. Hunter came in later after he dropped Nash off. The only part of last night that I remembered was when me and Nash had sex.

Four weeks later.

I'm at the day care. Hunter has been staying with me ever since Elliott left. I mean we never slept together he slept in the guest bedroom and on the couch sometimes because he stayed up all night playing one of the game stations.

"So I will take him back home after lunch. Or before if your going to cook when you get to the house." Hunter says putting Emmett in the baby gate. "And who's going to my house and cooking for who?" A deep voice that I knew all to well.

I turned around and there was Elliott leaning on the doorway. "Oh my god! Your back!" I hugged him and Emmett cried at the baby gate looking at his dad. "Aww look who missed you to" I laugh. Hunter let's Emmett out and he crawls to Elliott.

At home.

Elliott took Emmett to Joey'S and came home. I was cooking dinner. After we ate Elliott and i have some time before we have to go get Emmett. We go upstairs and he kisses me hungrily. He must have really missed me. I missed him so much though.

"I'm so glad your Back" I say. He pushes me down on the bed. And we kiss.

Next Morning

I get up and go to the bathroom. I feel
Dizzy. I use the bathroom and I get up to wash my hands and to get ready but I felt something coming up my throat. Before I knew it I was throwing up in the sink. "Shit"

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