chapter 21: just shut up

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One Month Later.


*Baby cries* "Elliott get your son" i throw a pillow down from my bed and hit Elliott. he was sleeping on a pallet beside the bed. i have no idea why because my uncle could care less. "babe but your closer" he says. and i hear him go back to sleep. i roll over and pick up Emmett. "Shhhh, lets go change your diaper." i got up and walked over to my dresser where his diaper bag is.

Nash is coming tomorrow to give me the work for this week. i have one more month then i have to go back to school and take Emmett to Daycare either that or have Elliott take care of him but i dont know which is better.

i sing Emmett a lullby while i change his diaper and rock him back to sleep. i put Emmett on the bed and two pillows on both sides of him. i go over to Elliott. i pull the strap that was falling off my shoulder and pulled it back while scratching the back of my head.

i bend down and grabbed the pillow i threw at Elliott. i kept hitting him with the pillow until i heard him say something. "ugh." he sits up and i stop. "get in the bed. my uncle doesnt care and i want you in it so get your lazy ass up" i say grabbing him by the ear to get up. "oww!! ok! ok!" i let go of his ear and smirked. he started to rub his ear. he got in bed and moved the pillows away from Emmett.

he puts his arm over Emmett to get to me. he started to rub my arm. slowly i feel asleep.

That Morning

the Alarm goes off and it woke the baby to. Elliott gets up and comes beside me he gives my forehead a kiss. and talkind in my ear that he know that i couldnt stand. "i'm going to give Joey Emmett and let him spend time with him. Elliott picks up Emmett. i looked at him before he walked out the door. "you could at least put a shirt on you know" i call out to him. i chuckle as i say it. i get up and turn the alarm clock off. thats when i herd yelling " great here they go agian" i say sighing. "Yall were doing it in front of the baby werent you, coming in here without a shirt on with a baby, who do you think you are. you are in my house i dont want to see your chest. i mean come on at least have the desencce to put a shirt on!" i hear uncle joey yelling and slamming the refriderator door shut."Yes sir" "give me the baby" and joey goes on and on.

Elliott comes back and shuts the door. he pulls me closer to him. suddenly he kisses me and i kissed back. i put my hands on his bare chest. he pulls my shirt a little bit and feels my stomach. he starts to take my tank top off. "wait what are you doing?" i say "undressing you because i do it so much better" he gave me a cheeky smile i laugh and take my shorts off and he picks me up. and takes me to the bathroom he starts the shower. i take my bra and underwear off. i try to walk sexy like to the shower where he was.

20 mins later. I am putting my clothes on and so is Elliott. "I am so dead when I get to Ms.Patsons class." He says throwing on a white t shirt and blue jeans. "Well you know you should have done that in the first place." I say giving him a sexy look. He smirked and gave me a kiss bye and I walked him to the door.

As we pass Joey I hold Emmett and Elliott gives us both a kiss on our foreheads. As I am turning to go sit back down on the couch uncle Joey says something. "He has a house why don't you go live with him." He says seriously. "Why I am not allowed to live here or something?" I ask looking at him. "Nothing it's just that y'all have a baby and he has a house that no one is living in and he is rich so he could buy the baby a room I don't know but you should and when you do make sure to get a Nanny. Because I know he is family but I am not babysitting" he says as he gets up and puts a hand on my shoulder and leaves.

"Ok what should we do first? I know! Let's go shopping for you!" I say tickling Emmett. I text Jazz

Rachel: hey Jazz up are u up to ditching class today

Jazz: thought you'd never ask

Rachel: I will come pick you up with Emmett


I see Jazz sneak out of the office and I pull up to her. "Sneaking arround aren't you" I say with a smile "shut up" she says playfully punching my arm. "So where are we going?" She asks. "We are going shopping for Emmett. I say. This smile came across her face. "Really? Like what shopping clothes? Furniture? What" "everything"

After shopping

I get Emmett from the car and put him on the couch at Elliott's house. I did what my uncle suggested. Elliott's mom and dad were really rich and owned at least one mansion somewhere. I bought a crib stuff for Emmett to live here with us.

We also grabbed some important stuff that I need from my old room. Jazz was overwhelmed by how rich Elliott seemed. "Shit I don't care he is hot and rich, if he did treat me bad in the past I would forget about it. I mean if y'all stay together you wouldn't need to finish high school or anything. You could be stay at home mom, a house wife" Jazz says looking at the kitchen and sitting on the bar.

"And give you the satisfaction of seeing me in an apron. I don't think so." I smirked back and laughed. I texted Nash that I will be at Elliott's from now on. "So I herd this rumor" Jazz says as she opens a beer and plops down on the couch beside me while kicking her boots off.

"Whats the rumor?" I asked. " that Miranda likes the person who owns this place." Jazz says. "But not gonna let that happen if that's what you want" jazz says continuing. "Knew about the rumor and let's see if she can mess with me." I gave Jazz a death glance. " ohh I'm so scared" I push her over the couch. And laughed. "Bruh, y'all make me feel sad that y'all got a BF and I don't where's the ice cream with your stupid love" she says walking to the freezer. " Idk" I say as I pick up Emmett as the door bell rang.

I go to unlock the door and open it. I found a smiling Nash. I know that smile he is forcing it. He comes in "hey Nash" I said. " So this is everything" he sits the papers on the bar. " Oh hey Jazz I didn't see you there" Nash says. " Hey Nash" Jazz says putting her arm around his neck and whispering something in his ear.

He changes the subject. I had Emmett on my hip and he was about to play with my hair when Nash came closer. " well look at you. Getting so big" Nash says trying to tickle Emmett.

Nash takes Emmett to the couch and starts talking to him but i couldn't hear him. I look through the work on the table. Jazz just took her phone out and takes a picture of Emmett and Nash together. I looked at the clock and it was time for Emmett to get his bottle.

One hour later.

Elliott came home and him and Nash was yelling. That made Emmett start crying because it was to loud. Jazz yelled at them for making the baby cry. And I was sitting in front of Emmett doing my school work. I had no idea what they were fussing about. Because I totally zoned out.

I was still trying to work but I couldn't concentrate so I stood up and yelled. " just shut up!" Emmett stopped crying and everyone got quiet. " I need to concentrate and Emmett is crying because everyone is yelling. Jazz I know you were trying to help and you two I don't know what you are fighting about but do it somewhere else when Emmett isn't around." I pick up Emmett and my work and went upstairs to Emmett's new room.

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