Chapter 28: heart Failure?

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It's been about four months since that last ultra sound. The babies should be coming soon.

At school

I sit at the lunch room with my people, you know where I usually sit, and Nash grabs one leg of my chair and pulls me closer to him. He puts his arm around me. Kyle whispers to us. "Don't look at the door" you know I am a rebel so that's exactly what me and Nash did. Elliott stood by the doorway and leans on the doorway with his hands in his pockets. Looking outside the door. He laughs and smiles, he stands properly and Miranda walks in an he puts his arm around her. "That mother fucker" I said in my head" Nash pulls me closer kissing the top of my head. "Don't watch, it's ok babe I'm right here, I'm a whole lot better than him and way more sexier" he chuckles and I knew he was right.

after me and elliott broke up, he told me when he found Hayes's twitter with the video he told me that, he never went to his parents company, he said that the whole time he was cheating on me with miranda, and said that if i was going to go to court to get full custody of emmett, then there is a whole lot stuff that he would do. then he kicked me down and punched my face and slapped me. and left. But he gave me the house because of emmett and  the twins on the way, he told me the house and land was paid to not worry about it.

"So wheres hunter?" i ask. "Actually i have no idea" kyle says reaching for his bookbag to pull out his english book, pencil,  and paper. Hayes comes up to me. "hey ms.Ugly how did you like the view" i ignored him as he sat down and laughed. Nash got up from his seat and got real close to his brother "what the fuck did you say?, boy i will slap the shit out of you if you keep on" he kicks Hayes's chair and his lunch splattered everywhere on him staining his white areopostale shirt. i laugh "paybacks a bitch aint it" i said and hayes just gives me an evil stare, i give him one to.

One day when i was alone with Hayes i asked him why he didt like me and he said "because of what you post on twitter, nah just kidding but, i dont like how, you are this huge fan of my brother and only want to be friends with him cause you want to be famous to" he says as he pretends to pour his water on my head. "i didnt plan to move beside yall, i didnt become friends with your brother for fame, i hate attention so if thats what you think so be it, but one day imma get tired of you bullying me and your going to be knocked out cold, and imma snap your neck and put your head through a shredder, plus your brother would help me because for you messing with his best friend" i point at me. "even though your sister would hate me but hey at least i get one good thing out of it, you dead" i cross my arms on my chest and put all my weight on my left foot while giving him the evil eye. he just stood there giving me the evil eye back.

Back to the persent

" you looking at her, you should think twice, before Nash gives you the evil eye" kyle says sitting back in his chair with his hands behind his head.. i pull out Nash's phone from his pocket to see the time. "what you doin babe?" he asks "looking at the time." it says 1:35. we have an ultrasound at 3:00. "Then we should leave after the bell rings."

"What about Emmett?" I say. " oh well i can pick him up after  6th period and take him to your house and keep him company till you get back." Kyle says. "You can?" "Yeah its no problem" " thanks"  i say to kyle.

After the bell rang

Nash and i stand up and he holds my hand and walked to my car. Elliott comes up behind us. "hey where the fuck you think your going?" he says having a hard grip on my wrist. "Oww!" Nash lets go of my other hand and punches Elliott in the face. Elliott was about to punch him back but he stopped. "What about my son, where is he?" " still at daycare, you get him all next week and someone is picking him up later." i said and he huffed and walked off. i whisper to Nash. "I'm filing for custody next month, and i want you to protect me from him when he comes to hurt me"

he kisses me. "i guess thats a yes?" he nods yes. "ummm... i think i should drive" Nash puts his hand out gesturing me to give him the keys. "fine" i hand them over and we go t the doctors office.

At the Ultra sound

the nurse looks at the monitor and drops her jaw and she hurried up and closed her mouth and looks at me. "so i have to talk to you in my office. so go ahead and wipe that off your belly and lets go" she says and walks out the room. "oh shit what in the world is wrong?" Nash shrugs his shoulders.

"so when i file for custody, will you be Emmett's father?" i ask. "of course i will, matter of fact you didnt have to ask because i knew you were going to do that any way" we walk into the doctors office. we sit down. the doctor starts talking. "so from the monitor, i saw that the twins had heart failure" i am taking by surprised. i suddenly became worried and sad. "oh my god." "yes so we need to talk about it, and how we need to do this"the doctor says waiting for my reply. "so my babies are dead inside of me!?!?!?!" o am way passed worried and sad.. i am heart broken. i ifelt my heart fall like into this ending bottomless pit. Nash hurries ans wraps his arms around me. he rubs my back and strokes my hair. "yes i couldn't find a heart beat on either of them." me an Nash are crying.

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