chapter 26: telling nash

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When we broke apart Nash had a very evil grin to his face. I knew what he was thinking. He only gets that face when he has a comeback or being a smart ass. Wich is probably the ass part. Nash picks me up and walks to his room and drops me on the bed. "I see your coming back for more?" I chuckle a bit and so did he. "No, but you can think that all you want though but I came to tell you something important."

He comes closer and is on top of me. We kiss one time and we both sit up."so what's the news?" He says looking into my eyes. "Elliott's leaving and I'm- iii'-m" I look down from Nash's intense stare. "What" he says putting his fingers on my chin and pulling my chin up do I have no choice but to look at him.

"I'm Pregnant" I say. "Well good for you" his expression changes. He seemed mad. "Nash, it's not Elliott's" I say and he gets off the bed and starts pacing. "Who is it Hunter's?" He looks at me. "Wow do you really think I'm a slut?! Really?! Dumb ass it's yours."

My phone ringed. I checked it. It was vine Hayes tagged Nash and me in a vine. There was a caption to.

"Zayuumn that kiss and that girl
Nash Grier Rachel Jordan"

I was walking in and turned Nash around and gave him a kiss. "Shit" me and Nash say. And I just got a tweet and a snapshot of the same thing. Well we are screwed. Nash comes over and puts his hand on my stomach. "So it's mine?" He asks looking up at me "yes" I say. "Will you go out with me?" He asks and I was surprised for a second and wanted to make sure I wasnt imagining it.

"Will you go out with me?" He asks again. "Yes" I say still think I am dreaming. Skylar walked in and me and Nash stated playing with her

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