Chapter 2: The Boy Next Door

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The boy was surprised and looked at my face and looked at what i was wearing and had a smile on his face while scratching the back of his head. It was Nash Grier. and i looked downs to find out the hoodie i was wearing was the one that said " i'm a Nash Grier type of girl" and i imedatily wanted to take it off but instead i acted somewhat calm and very awkward. i said " hey well me and my uncle just moved in next door and thought it would be nice to say hi so umm here you go." i reach out to hand the brownies over to nash. Some of his fingers brushed past mine as he took it. i blushed bright red. he said " well thank you , i will be sure to hand these to my mom and umm. may i ask your name?" He scratched his head agian looking what i think may be him blushing to. "my name is rachel jordan." he said "well its very nice to meet you bye." he closed the door and i ran back to the house and slammed the front door shut. and slid down the door and sighed withe embarassment and relief. i guessed my uncle heard me slam the door so he came running with a worried experssion on his face. and said "what happend Rach?" I said "i just met Nash Grier and acted really wired" he looked more releved and said "good well i thought something bad happend" i got up and looked confused.
"Whats wrong?" Uncle Joey asks i said "well i didnt know our neighboor was Nash and Nash opened the door and he looked at the hoodie you got me" he looked at me with a smile and said "well its okay, i bet he wont even remember." He followed me up the big stairs and showed me where my bedroom was. "since i know we just got here so we will fix it up later to how you like this is it for now, ok?" I said "ok" he looked around the room "ok well im going to be unpacking my clothes so i will take you out in a little while to go pick up some clothes. and go ahead and sign you up for school." i said "ok" and closed the door.
I rushed to get that jacket off and set it on the bed. i looked in the mirror and remember what happend when i met Nash. my face turned really red, i was blushing that hard. I push that thought to the back if my mind and focus on how i didnt know my uncle was kind of like, rich person. The house we moved into is big it has three bedroom a grage and a kitchen three bathrooms and one living room and staircase. and a foyer so this house is pretty big. i bet he is using the third bedroom for an office or something.
Just then the door bell rang i called out to uncle Joey and said that i will get it. i went to the door and opened it. it was Nash and his brother Hayes.
Nash said "hey i'm sorry for back there i was caught off guard by your jacket." i said "oh no worry's i bet i acted a little funny anyways and hi Hayes"
Nash and i, looked over at Hayes and hayes said "oh umm. hi, you know me?" I nodded and said "well i know yall from vine but im really sorry if i was wired back there. i was just surprised" Nash looked right at me and said "ahh thats ok you actually was pretty cool you handled the conversation better than i did" i said oh, well was there something you came here for?"
Nash said " i actually wanted to say i was actually looking to see if we could become friends and stuff?" I said "umm.. sure" Hayes mumbled something under his breath and i heard him say "awkward!" I laughed and Nash smiled and said "well i guess i will talk to you later then bye" i waved bye, and I could here them talking hayes said "well that was awkward were you nervous or somethin?" nash sighed and said "yeah i guess" and shurgged and he scratched the back of his neck. and i shut the door.
On monday
My uncle only bought me three outfits because he says i can do more shopping once i make a friend i can go with her and he will give me the money and go by ourselfs. As i made breakfast uncle Joey came down the stairs and said " i thought you dont eat breakfast?" I turnned the eggs over in the pan and said "i do on school days to wake myself up." he came into the kitchen and sat down at the table and said "oh well, untill i can find you a car i will take you to school today, while your at school i will look for one." i said "ok sure thing" i put two plates on the table and then put the eggs, toast, bacon on the plates and went in the fridge and got out some butter and jam. he smiled and said "thank you" i told him "your welecome" as i sit down to eat with him.
At school
When i got there i huged my uncle goodbye. and put on my book bag. i got out of the truck and started walking towards the school. i feel a little shy seeing all these people. so i walk over to the steps and waited for the bell to ring for school to start. I am by myself untill a girl comes up to me. "Hello, i heard your new here, im Miranda and the girl beside me is a friend of mine and her name is Jazmine." i said "well hi, im Rachel Jordan and yes i am today is my first day here." i smile at them and try to seem to be friendly. Someone taps my shoulder.
I turn around to see who it was and it was Nash. Nash looked at me and said "Rachel i dont think you should talk to miranda maybe Jazmine but not Miranda she's a bad person."
I look back at him and say "oh, well umm.." Miranda cuts me off short and says "well thanks Nash for ruining my shot to make a new friend!" An she walks off to a group of people that looks like her friends.
Jazmine is still standing there and she says "hey Nash" he smiles at Jazmine and says "hey Jaz, and your welcome for that" i looked at him confused and he whispers in my ear "i just saved you from a lot of trouble. i gotta go but i will talk to you later." I feel his breath on my ear and blush.
Jazmine said " thank you Nash ive always hated Miranda." nash says "your welcome" he walks off. Jazmine looked at me and said " sorry Miranda is really bad person. im also not her friend she took my arm and pulled me over. but i was going to come over here anyways." I looked at her and said "thats fine and ok" she put her hands in her pocket and said " hey so, you know Nash?" I said "yeah i guess you can say that" she put her bookbag on and told me to follow her. As we walk she says " hey so wanna be friends?"
I said sure.
The bell rings and i try to find the room 300.

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