Part 1

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You leaned against the wall in the backstage area, watching as the band came off the stage immediately being surrounded by fans and groupies. Then, feeling the anger drip off of you, watching your boyfriend ignore you and continue to grab and attempt to kiss the girls, begging for a chance with him for the night, then balling. Then, up to your fist, you walked over toward Gene and gave him and the sluts a piece of your mind when an arm grabbed and stopped you.

"Hold on there, turbo, let's take a walk, and then I'll let you attack him in the dressing room once we've all changed," Paul said, grinning at you.

"He's such a, ugh," You snapped.

"I think the word you're looking for Y/N is whore; Gene is a whore." The singer laughed, pulling you away.

You pulled out of his grasp but continued to follow him backstage of the arena. The two of you stayed silent for a moment. You thought back to when you met the singer at a party with Gene. He seemed to be the one that stepped in the most when Gene was being a dick or picking up other girls in front of you, like a best friend and protector. Finally, Paul took you to the back door leading out to the parking lot where the band's bus and the dozen trucks moved the equipment. The singer sat down on the steps and patted the seat next to him.

"I don't bite, Y/N, you know, unless you ask nicely," Paul said, winking at you.

"Shut up, Stanley; I'm with your best friend. We both know you won't break that bond and try to sleep with me. You do anything with me. Though I'm still wondering why I stay with that idiot!" You yelled.

"Well, love will make you do stupid things, from what I've seen. How about we talk about something that doesn't piss you off? We've been to some pretty cool spots this leg of the tour. Did you take any awesome photos with that fancy camera?" The singer asked, gesturing toward your bag.

You grinned and took the spot next to him, pulling out a photo album with every single picture you had, from photos of the guys to different sites in every town. The two of you spent half an hour flipping back through the book, laughing and talking.

"These are great, Y/N. You got a good eye. Did you ever think about working for us? Doing all our photos on tour or what have you." Paul asked.

"I don't think I'm that good or that Gene would like me being anymore closer to the band than I already am," you sighed.

"Well, you know, "Paul said when the back door opened.

The two of you turned around to find the bassist standing there, looking annoyed that neither of you was ready to go back to the hotel. You looked from Gene and back at Paul, rolling your eyes at the bassist. The singer stood up and dusted himself off, pushing past his best friend.

"you've been out here this whole time with Paul? I've been looking all over for you," Gene said, glaring at you.

"I'm surprised you could walk or see anything with those sluts hanging all over you. I should have just left when the show was over." You scoffed, walking past him.

The bassist grabbed your arm and glared at you, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your blood boil. You pulled away from his grasp and pushed him, attempting to go back inside, but Gene slammed it shut and stood in front of it.

"You need to get it through your head, Y/N, you may have the title of my girlfriend, but I answer to know one. I will do as I please with who I please, and sometimes it won't be you. If you don't like it, you know the way back to California." The bassist snarled,

"That's good, Gene; maybe I'll start playing that way too. There' are plenty of hot guys working with the band. Maybe I'll see how Eric is in bed. You know what they say about drummers," you replied, grinning as the bassist's mouth dropped open.

You stormed inside and headed straight to the band's dressing room. Fighting back the angry tears as you walked through the room. You knew the guys liked to not wear anything but a towel after a show, so you did your best to keep your view to the ground. You headed straight to Gene's spot, grabbing your jacket and bag.

"Y/N, this conversation isn't over!" The bassist yelled from the doorway.

"Paul, they are at it again!" Bruce yelled.

"I'm out of here. If you want to talk, I'll be at the hotel," you replied.

You felt everyone's on you as you walked out of the room and headed to the waiting limo, letting the tears fall freely as soon as the doors shut.

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