Part 31

139 8 9

(Present Day)

Paul looked at you with both of his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly hanging open after you had finished your side. You grabbed your water glass, taking an enormous sip from it to clear your dry mouth. The singer went to open his mouth when the server appeared with Paul's wine choice and your orders. You let out a deep sigh of relief for a few more moments to prepare yourself before Paul unleashed his twenty questions.

"I'm calling bullshit! That can't be the first time you and him kissed. Gene always does the same routine for each one-night stand, no offense. You never slept or saw him that night?" Paul asked as the server walked away.

"The only place I saw Gene was when he came bursting in with your then girlfriend, or so I thought. After that, Eric got me trashed." You said, shrugging your shoulders.

Paul ran his tongue across his lips before biting his bottom lip, still staring at you. You pointed to the wine bottle and both of the glasses as a silent answer on what you needed. The singer chuckled and grabbed the bottle, doing exactly as requested.

"Just remember how much alcohol that little dude could hold makes me nauseous. Though you really kept him out of his head, you've helped a lot of us with that." Paul replied.

"Yet it takes three years for you to get it out in the open?" You asked.

"Well, I guess we both should have listened to Bruce, especially me," he said, taking a sip from his glass

The two of you stayed quiet for a while, seeming to both be struggling to process the last couple of conversations that went against everything that had taken place while you were around the band for the last few years. You wish you would have gone looking for Bruce, but maybe this was how things were supposed to build up for you and the singer.

"So what now?" You asked

"Usually they take the order to the cook. He prepares it and then we eat it. How does going to a restaurant normally go for you, sweetheart?" Paul asked with a sly smirk.

"I hate you! Just forget it. I guess now that you know your best friend lied, owes you three hundred dollars, you're gonna screw his girlfriend and keep me hidden, too." You said

The playful smirk changed to a cold hard glare, making you shiver slightly, not sure what he was going to do next. Paul got up from his chair and walked away from the table. You watched him look around for a second before leaning his mouth down to your ear.

"This means the playing field became even for me, and after you answer a few more questions, your night is going to be more pleasurable," Paul whispered, kissing your cheek.

"You're evil," you whispered, watching the guitarist walk toward the restroom.


An Hour Later

You pushed your dessert plate to the side, turning to see Paul staring at you with a different spark in his eyes. The singer picked up his wineglass and finished it, licking his lips slowly as he sat the glass back on the table. You kept your eyes focused on his lips with flashbacks from the afternoon in the hotel bathroom, making you squirm slightly. Paul cleared his throat, making you jump and look at him in the face, feeling your face heat up under his gaze.

"Something on your mind, Y/N?" paul asked

"Just waiting for your next move, Mr. Stanley. You said you had more questions for me before the night got more um pleasurable, was the word you used, I think. I'm thinking that you are all talk and are just gonna work me up and then string me along," You replied, smirking

"Let's go take a walk," the guitarist said, standing up and holding his hand out for you

"I don't want to take a walk. I want to go to the hotel. There's business to take care of!" You replied with a pout.

"No matter where you want to go, sweetheart, we still gotta walk to get there. Now get your pretty ass up and let's get to it, or do I need to carry you out of here?" Paul asked, with an eyebrow raised.

You quickly jumped up from your chair, knowing the guitarist would throw you over his shoulder just to prove a point. Paul motioned for you to walk in front of him and you shook your head, knowing exactly what would happen.

"You are so fucking stubborn and it drives me crazy! I love the sass, but that attitude I want to screw right out of you," Paul mumbled, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the restaurant.

The two of you stood on the sidewalk for a minute. You grinned at the sound of the satisfied sigh that came from the singer. Subconsciously, you scanned the area, trying to see if you could spot either Tony or Gene. Paul grabbed you from behind, making you jump slightly.

"Wanna go look at the stars and talk some more?" He whispered.

"Does it involve climbing a roof? If so, the answer is no," you replied.

"Nope, just cool sand, pretty sky and a beautiful girl by my side to talk with more. I think we both need to sober up anyway before we go back to your room. If this happens, I want it to be a clear-headed decision," he said.

You turned around seeing the shy little boy-like smile on the singer's face, making it obvious despite his teasing words. Paul was nervous about having sex with you for the first time. You leaned forward and kissed him, slow and gentle, hearing him release a shaky breath. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed your lips firmer against his mouth repeatedly until the guitarist finally snaked his hands around your waist and kissed you back. Tasting the sweet red wine on Paul's lips dragged your mind further into the gutter, making you groan when he broke the kiss first.

"As much as I enjoy kissing you, if we don't stop, I'm going to be on the front page for indecent exposure about fucking you in public. Now that would be one hell of a way for Gene to find out about us being together if you've made your mind up on that, but orange doesn't look good on me." Paul said, holding out his hand.

Rolling your eyes and grabbing his hand, you reluctantly followed him, feeling your own nerves build up. You had not spoken to Gene since before your fall and you hadn't thought about the bassist either. The major focus had been the man holding on to you gently as the two of you walked down the same sidewalk to get to the beach the two of you had visited earlier in the day.

"I want you to remember I'm tipsy, but everything I say for the rest of the night is true. The liquid courage just let it flow easier." You said matter-of-factly.

You pulled him to a stop just in front if the crosswalk by the beach and looked him over. Feeling your head spinning in a million different directions with different emotions.

"Yeah, that's usually how alcohol plays out or you do things you regret. Is there something on your mind you want to stop and talk about now?" Paul asked, looking at you from the corner of his eye.

You knew Paul was going to ask you about your sexual health, but the biggest question was the one that had you both bickering for the last week amongst each other. What were your feelings for the singer? Paul had been open after the first kiss between the two of you after the fight with Gene. Yet you had continued to ignore yours. You stopped and let go of Paul's hand, making him look at you, confused. You looked him up and down trying to work up your courage

"What's the matter?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I love you, Paul" You blurted out.

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