Part 29

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The two of you walked quietly for a few minutes down the sidewalk to the restaurant that Paul had picked out for the date night he had promised. Tony's words were still ringing in your ears about you and the singer sneaking around behind Gene's back. You knew it was wrong even if Gene had been doing it for years to you, but there were more feelings for Paul than you had realized or wanted to mention.

"He will not show up," Paul said

"Excuse me?" You replied, still lost in thought.

"Gene. Right now, he is trying to get Shannon out of here since they canceled the last three dates. It will probably be tomorrow that he appears in the area or he will wait until he has an audience back at the other hotel. He will have some sob story and beg you to stay. Just don't let it ruin the night. I'm gonna sweep you off your feet." The guitarist said, with an enormous smile.

"Oh, you're going to put on the old Stanley charm to convince me or are you going to use the bedroom for that?" you asked

Paul stopped in front of the restaurant, turning to look at you with his mouth open. The more time you spend with the singer, the more confident and free to speak your mind. The singer pulled you into a hug, giving you the opportunity to look at the sign on the door. You shook your head, still surprised that Paul listened to everything you had said over the past year, especially over food places.

"You picked a fancy steak house? Do you have a notepad full of everything I like and don't like?" You asked, still embraced by the man..

"That's what you do when you care about someone. You learn about them even if they are with a douchebag. To answer your other question, from what you asked me, I'm gonna be a gentleman until I get you upstairs, then I'm gonna fuck you as you request a dirty little whore," he whispered in your ear.

"You said to make love earlier." You stammered, as your mind went back to the hotel bathroom.

"I can do both. Believe me, I'm not a two pump chump. You better make sure you have enough strength, too." Paul replied,

"Why do I have a feeling I will not be walking well for the next couple of days?" You said, pulling away from him.

"Or weeks just depends on the mood," Paul replied with a wink

Paul shrugged his shoulders and opened the door to the restaurant, letting you walk in first, before he smacked you hard on the ass, making you yelp. You glared at the singer for a second, seeing the smirk on his face before looking around to make sure no one had noticed the little scene. Watching as Paul walked up to the hostess station, you tried to control the slight ping of jealousy as the woman flirted with the singer, fake laughing at whatever he was saying. After a few minutes of the banter between the two of them, Paul walked over and grabbed your hand, flashing his gorgeous smile at you as the both of you followed behind the young woman.

"Is your memory coming back to you about the party yet?" Paul asked after the hostess walked away.

"Some of it, but do you really want to hear about me and Gene? I don't want to ruin the night with any nonsense," You replied, looking down at the menu.

"Yeah, I want to hear it, and I want you to be honest about this whole current situation." Paul replied.

"Okay, but remember you asked for this, so no storming off," You said, looking the guitarist in the eye

"Spill it Y/N," He said

You took a deep breath and thought back to after you had ran away from the dressing room. You looked at the singer one more time in the eye before looking down at the white tablecloth and began the tale.

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