Part 28

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"So, where exactly are you taking me?" You asked, feeling Paul's arm snake around your waist.

"A place that serves food, and then we will play it by ear. Though before we walk any further, don't ask me anything about what you heard on the phone until we get to the restaurant?" Paul said.

"But we could just get it out in the open now, ya know, get the elephant out of the room." You replied.

"We are outside so there's no elephant and two, it's my way or the highway lady," the singer smirked.

You pouted and pulled away from the singer, walking as far away from him as you could. Paul let out a small chuckle, making you look over your shoulder at him. The look in his eyes told you the younger man was up to no good, leaving you excited and terrified all at the same moment. You shook your head and tried to dart around the corner but were scooped up caveman style looking at the singer's denim covered ass.

"Has anyone ever told you that your ass looks like you could bounce quarters off of it?" You asked.

"Nope, never heard that one before," Paul replied, smacking your ass as hard as he could

"Ouch, you bastard! I'm rethinking this whole fucking you tonight idea. You are just acting like a teenager. I like men, not boys," you said.

"Oh, really?" the singer said, pulling you off of his shoulder

"Yeah really," you replied, attempting to walk off

Paul jerked you back to him, startling you for a moment. He put both of his hands on your face and slammed his mouth into yours. The singer walked you backwards until you felt the roughness of the brick wall. Paul put his hands on your hips while pushing his tongue into your mouth, not giving you a second to dominate any part of the moment. Wrapping your hands around his neck to keep your balance as stars flew around your head like some scene of an old cartoon. After a few minutes, you pushed the singer away from you, staring at him as the two of you tried to catch your breath. Paul moved closer to you, making you slightly tremble at the many things the singer could do.

"You can say you're rethinking the whole idea of me fucking you like a dirty whore, but we both know neither of us can wait to get dinner done. I cannot wait to have my dessert back in the room later," Paul whispered before nipping your bottom lip.

The two of you grinned at each other and continued your journey to the restaurant. You were checking out the unique buildings on the opposite side of the street, mesmerised by the different shops, when a familiar person caught your eye. You felt your mouth go dry as the person looked at you and slightly waved. Pulling the singer to a stop, you turned Paul around to face you.

"Look over my shoulder at the person across the street. Is that the person I think it is?." You whispered, feeling your stomach doing flip-flops.

Paul looked over your shoulder and pulled back with anger dripping off of him. You attempted to grab his hand, but the singer was already jogging across the street toward the other man. Looking around the area, trying to see if you spotted anyone else that could be from the band or management team, not wanting any more of your dirty laundry to be aired out. The sound of yelling pulled your attention back across the street as you saw Paul in the other man's face. Running across the street, you pulled the singer away and stared at the heavy set long haired man.

"Hello Y/N, Are you having an enjoyable time jumping from bed to bed?" The man asked.

"What's the matter Tony? You fuck up and not get Shannon placed properly and now your master has you out spying on me with the dirt you dug up for him?" Paul asked.

"I don't know who Shannon is, just like you and this whore know nothing about loyalty." Tony said.

"Well, you report back to your boss that we are going over to that restaurant and if he would like to join us, we can have this conversation like adults. He's more than welcome to bring Shannon too." the singer replied, grabbing your hand and pulling you back across the street.

"Oh, don't worry, Paul, I don't have to call. He's around here somewhere," Tony called across the street.

You looked at Paul, seeing the smirk grow on his face as he lifted his finger, flipping off the older man. Paul dropped your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing the side of your face, making you tremble for a third time. He looked down at you with his eyebrow raised, waiting for you to say something about the interaction between him and Tony.

"Can we hurry and get to this restaurant? I'm starving. It's been a very physical day," You said.

"Yes, it has been a physical day indeed and we just have a couple more blocks," Paul said with a chuckle

You snuggled closer to the singer and tried to focus on the night he had planned out for you. Avoiding the thought of your boyfriend popping up and ruining the night for you and Paul. You looked around, trying to see if you could catch sight of him while your mind planned out the break up speech.

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