Part 24

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(Paul POV)

"That's basically what happened from my side. You went off with Gene, though I don't know what really happened between the two of you for sure. It hurt my stomach to see you attached to his arm. That asshole turned you into a plaything while he had a relationship going. You were just able to travel because of your job. I didn't talk to you much the first couple of weeks, because I figured you hated me when Tracy announced we were together." Paul said,

"That's what has built my relationship with Gene, a bet? How does he even have time for Shannon when I've never seen her with us!" You snapped

"Actually, you have." The singer replied,

"What?" You asked, looking over at the singer.

Paul stood up and ran a hand through his black hair. He motioned for you to scoot over, as the singer climbed into bed beside you. The guitarist pulled you over to him, lifting your chin until you were looking Paul in the eyes. You looked back at him with confusion, hurt, and anger. Moving you to straddle his waist so the singer could speak and protect himself if you let your temper get the best of you and beat him.

"You remember when you walked back to Gene's room after we fell asleep watching movies?" Paul asked, resting his hands on your hips.

"Yeah?" You said

"That blonde you saw next to him asleep was Shannon. She always has a room close to Gene's and Tony makes sure that you and her are never in the same room together. If you go for a walk for an example, she gets her all-access pass until the warning call comes in," the singer replied..

"Wait, is that why you hang out with me all the time to cover for him or because of pity?" You asked, trying to move away.

Paul held on to your hips and leaned up, kissing you roughly, making you moan into his mouth. He felt your hands clasp on to his shoulders, making the singer grin before slipping his tongue into your mouth, exploring your mouth before the two of your tongues entangled together, moving with the other like a dance only known by the two of you. You pulled back, trying to catch your breath, making Paul chuckle.

"Did that feel like a pity or do you think I sneaked you to this hotel so I can have a couple nights to show you there's someone else that wants what you want?" The singer asked,

"I guess not," you replied, trying to move away.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about them sooner, and before you ask, NO, I'm not doing it now because I got the guts to tell you my true feelings. Even though I'm waiting for yours," Paul said

"Paul, you know what they are. You just want your ego to be inflated by hearing them." You replied, rolling off of his lap.

Paul grinned to himself as you moved, laying your head on his chest, moving your hand up and down the hair of the singer's hairy chest. Your light breathing filled the room within a few minutes, as Paul ran his hand up and down your arm. The singer looked up at the ceiling with his mind racing over everything he had told you. He knew he had opened hell's door with the information, but Paul didn't mind as long as he had opened your eyes a bit. Paul drifted off to sleep just as the room in the phone rang, making the man jump and cuss under his breath. Rolling you over to your side of the bed, Paul moved toward the telephone, yanking it off the base.

"Yeah?" Paul asked.

"It's Eric, listen I got some news that may benefit you to get more time with your girl and possibly seal the deal." the drummer said

"What do you mean? Did Gene grow a pair and is going to tell Y/N the truth?" the singer asked.

"Are you on a fantasy island? Now just shut up and listen. As a disclaimer, I will say that a part of what's going to happen is going to piss you off. Just don't shoot the messenger. Got it?" Eric said sternly.

"Spit it out," Paul replied

The singer held the phone closer to his ear and nodded his head, as Eric gave him every detail that had happened over the last day and a half. Feeling his body get hit with a sledgehammer with emotions as he watched you sleep peacefully in bed. 

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