Part 4

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The shock seemed to be replaced quickly with one of Paul's knee-crumbling smiles. He put his elbow on the bar and propped his chin on the palm of his hand. You felt your face heat up under the gaze, wondering how many drinks the singer had before you had appeared at the bar. Glancing over his shoulder seeing a few bottles and a half-eaten burger. You turned your face back to Paul, waiting for him to dish out what was ever on his mind.

"Why are you staring at me so hard?" You asked.

"Let's get you some food. You must be pissed off you've got the camera," Paul replied, motioning for the bartender.

"Why do you assume I'm pissed off?" You countered, staring at the singer.

"Can I help you two?" A young lady asked.

"I'll just have what he's having." You replied with a small smile.

"And another beer," Paul replied, motioning to the bottle.

The woman nodded her head and looked at Paul with a glance you knew all too well. However, the only difference was the singer never gave her a second look and automatically turned his attention back to you. If you had been with Gene, the two of you would have been in another fight because he would have been trying to get in the girl's pants instead of paying attention to you. Paul took another drink from his glass of water, still staring at you as he chugged down the water.

"I know you're pissed off its midnight, and you have your camera to go do your venting walk," Paul replied.

"Shut up and eat your food! You don't know me that well." You laughed, smacking the singer's arm.

The two of you laughed for a few minutes until they brought your food out to you. You ate in comfortable silence for a while, watching Paul nodded his head to the music playing in the small area while taking a sip from his now sixth beer. You pushed your plate away from you and finished your beer, feeling the singer's eyes on you. Turning around, you saw the drunken smile on Paul's face. In the three years you had known him, you had only seen it twice, but both times led to some exciting times. He leaned forward and took both of his hands on your thighs, drumming on them.

"What are you doing?" You replied.

"Drumming? Let's go. You need to vent, or as you say, take some photos, so I'm going to be your bodyguard," Paul said, grabbing your hand.

"Umm, Paul, I don't think this is a good idea," You said, dropping Paul's hand.

"Don't think then. Go with your gut. You and I both know you don't want to go upstairs," He countered.

"Just you've been drinking, and what if someone sees us?" You replied.

"Y/N PLEASE GO ON A WALK WITH ME!!! I WANT TO HANGOUT WITH YOU," The singer yelled, falling on his knees grabbing your hand.

You looked around the bar, seeing the last couple of patrons staring at the two of you. Looking down, you saw Paul trying to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at you. You let out a groan and grabbed his hand before walking out of the hotel. Paul let out a sigh and opened up the buttons to his vest, revealing his white t-shirt. You shook your head and waited for the singer to lead the way since it was his idea.

"So?" You asked

"You're the photographer. Go with your gut or just take a left, whatever," Paul shrugged.

"You're such a goofball when you've been drinking," You laughed.

The two of you walked down the sidewalk, looking at the different sights around as Paul told you stories from various tours, avoiding anything that had to do with him and Gene. The two of you came around the corner to an open courtyard, stopping you dead in your tracks as you fumbled with your bag, trying to get your camera out. Glancing over as you tried to pop a roll of film into the back of the device, you saw the singer grinning at you.

"What? Are you about to do something crazy again? We are in public, so don't get loud," you hissed.

"Funny, it's usually me that has to tell the woman that, not the other way around," Paul replied.

You rolled your eyes at the comment and pointed the camera at the water fountain in the center of the courtyard. Snapping a few shots just as the lights changed colors, as the water shot out. Taking photos was one of your favorite things to do to get out of your head. After six shots, you turned to see Paul watching you intently with his arms folded in front of you, leaning against the brick wall behind him. You turned around and started snapping photos of Paul, seeing his smirk dancing across his face.

"You're supposed to be taking photos of the sights," Paul stated

"I said I wanted to go for a walk, but I never said what I was going to take pictures of, to be fair," you replied, stepping back to get a better shot.

"I'm not in the best condition right now, though," He replied, moving away from the wall and walking toward the fountain.

"Oh, please, you always look good," you told him, instantly regretting it.

"Oh, really?" Paul asked, tilting his head to the side.

You ignored the question, feeling your face hit up with embarrassment, and continued to walk toward the fountain. Taking a seat on a bench in front of the fountain, you threw your head back, looking up at the starry night sky. Feeling Paul draped his arm over the back of the bench, brushing his fingers along your shoulder. You looked over at the man, seeing the wheels turning in his head, making the hair on your arms stick up.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" You asked.

"If I listen to the devil on my shoulder or not," He replied.

"Oh please tell, maybe I could help you," you pressed

"No, you can't, so tell me about the fight. Kudos for the smack," Paul replied.

You sat up and put your head in your hands for a few seconds, groaning, knowing what you had to say about the fight was the same shit the singer had heard multiple times over the last three years. Gene would be an asshole to you or cheat, and Paul would be there to be a friend, making you laugh to stop the tears and telling his best friend off when the singer had enough of the abuse. Paul ran his hand across your back, making you jump for a second, then look down at the growing goosebumps on your arms and shake your head.

"You know how it is, Paul. He looks at a girl or gets too handsy, and I get jealous. Genes right, I knew what I was getting into and that he was upfront about everything. That's why I think I'm going to leave the tour." You sighed, avoiding eye contact.

"No, absolutely not," Paul replied, grabbing your arm.

"You don't have a decision on this. I'm not wanted here by the man I think I love, so I should go," you stated.

"Nope, I need my other best friend to stay on tour with me, or I'll be looking for a new bassist by the time it's over. How about you take me up on that offer? Work for us as a photographer or just work with me as an assistant. Hell, you get Gene up and everywhere on time." He said as he moved closer to you.

"You don't think that would cause issues? You and me working close together or me working for the band in general," You asked.

"Cause an issue for you and me? What you got some kind of hidden feelings for me I should know about Y/N?: Paul laughed.

"Shut up! I mean, don't you need to ask the guys about it or management?" You asked.

"I've told them. Now answer my question," Paul countered, pulling you toward him.

Paul inched his face toward yours and moved a piece of hair behind your ear. You tried to move away from the man but suddenly felt paralyzed under his intense stare. The two of you stared at each other for what seemed an eternity. Paul moved his lips up to your ear, making you unexpectedly tremble at the feeling of his hot breath against your skin.

"I think the devil's won this one, Y/N," Paul whispered.

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