Part 25

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(Gene POV)

Gene stood in the corner of his room listening as Tony explained that the last week of gigs of the tour had been cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances. The bassist raised his eyebrow at the man before he narrowed his eyes at both Bruce and Eric. There was more going on than anyone was letting on, and his only guess was it had something to do with Paul. Eric cleared his throat and looked over at Tony, giving the bassist a clear sign the younger man knew too much.

"Gene, before you blame Paul, it has nothing to do with him and no one knows where he is still. Bruce has some family stuff to deal with and that's all you need to know. It's three gigs and we will reschedule them for the next leg of the tour. The time off will give you time to let Y/N build your life with Shannon and the little demon." Eric piped up.

"Leave Nick and Shannon out of it. Bruce, this family stuff couldn't wait for three more days than handle this mystery family thing?" Gene asked.

"I'm sorry man, but no, besides, this all is becoming uncomfortable with this triangle stuff. You should be ashamed of yourself." Bruce replied.

Gene moved off the wall, and toward the guitarist, instantly being stopped by Tony. The larger man pushed him down into a chair standing in front of him. Both Eric and Bruce stood up from the bed, walking out of the room, mumbling back and forth to each other. The bassist let out a scream and stood up from his chair, pacing the floor while running his hand down his goatee.

"Did you find Paul and that bitch yet? I want Shannon sent home first and then for you to take me to the new hotel those fuck heads are at." Gene said.

"Gene, I think you should just let it go. You and Y/N clearly don't want each other, and you should have listened three years ago when I told you a three hundred dollar one-night stand was going to give you hell." Tony replied.

"Did I ask you for your fucking opinion? I pay you extra to do what I SAY! Go get their hotel information and my girlfriend. Dont say another fucking word to me until then. Do you understand me?" the bassist said.

Tony threw his hands up in the air and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Gene glared at the door, trying to keep himself from following the man out the door and punching him in the face. Everything was crumbling around him, and the bassist knew soon he would not have everything continue like it had been for the last three years. Now, with his son involved, the secret that very few people knew about was making the situation more and more uncomfortable.

"Why didn't I just let Paul have the little bitch?" Gene mumbled to himself, laying across the bed.

Three rapid knocks echoed off the walls, making the bassist groan and stand up from the bed. Taking a deep breath, he sulked to the door and opened it, finding Shannon standing in front of him with a sad smile dancing across her face. Gene grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room, wrapping his arms around the blonde's slender frame.

"Why is she doing this to us?" Shannon asked.

"It's not her sweetheart, it's Paul, and it's going to be taken care of really soon. I promise. You, me and the baby will live a drama free life soon," Gene replied, as he pulled away.

He grabbed the woman's chin and kissed her softly. Shannon wrapped her arms around the bassist's neck, deepening the kiss. Gene kicked the door shut, and lifted the woman up and wrapped her legs around his waist. The bassist pushed his tongue into her mouth as he moved the two of them to the bed. Knowing he needed a distraction for a while and she was the only available option for the moment.


Later That Afternoon

(Reader POV)

You woke up to the sound of the shower running and Paul singing a Motown song loudly. Grinning to yourself as the singer continued his little performance, your thoughts went back to the conversation the two of you had before you had fallen to sleep. Gene and Paul placing a bet the night they met you stung, but knowing you ended up with the wrong broke your heart. The singer's statement about Gene's girlfriend had piqued your interest the most, as you glanced over at the phone and then back at the bathroom door, before jumping out of bed and dashing to the phone. Punching in the number to the hotel, you listened to the multiple rings before the receptionist picked up.

"Thank you for calling. How may I help you?" A woman asked.

"Yes, Can you please connect me to Mr. Simmons' room please?" You asked.

"Right away, ma'am," The woman replied.

Feeling your heart pick up as you listened to the line ring repeatedly before a woman picked up the phone. You felt your eyes grow wide, attempting to get your brain and mouth to work together to form words. Clearing your throat as you hear the shower stop in your hotel bathroom.

"Can I speak to Gene?" You snapped.

"I'm sorry, He is cleaning up for dinner right now. Can I take a message for him to call you back?" The woman asked.

"Y/N, sweetheart, what are you doing?" Paul's voice called from behind you.

You turned around seeing Paul standing in the bathroom's doorway with a towel tightly wrapped around his waist, with drops of water slowly running down his neck and chest. He smirked at you and snapped his fingers, bringing your thoughts out of the gutter and back into the present moment. Hearing someone on the phone still talking. You quickly wiped the drool off of your mouth and cleared your throat.

"Hello? Are you still there?" The woman asked,

"Yes Shannon, let him know Y/N will be by later tonight," You said calmly, putting the phone back down on the base.

You looked over at Paul, seeing him still leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed in front of him. The two of you stayed eerily quiet for minutes. Finally, giving in, you cleared your throat.

"If you want to talk to me, I'm going to need you to put some clothes on, or get me out of mine and stop dragging this out. You know exactly what you are doing coming out here like that," You said.

"Oh, sweetheart, when I finally get my way, you do not know how long I'm gonna drag it out for. Nice to see you have some more pieces of the puzzle on why you should be with me though." Paul replied,

"Paul Stanley, go get yourself all prettied up. You still owe me a date and you take longer than anyone else I know," you snapped

"Promise no more phone calls?" Paul asked sternly.

You nodded your head at him, trying not to laugh at the guitarist, as Paul pointed at you and raised an eyebrow at you. Flopping back on the bed, you grabbed a pillow and flung it at him. Taking him by surprise as he caught it.

"You're going to get it," Paul said, throwing the pillow down and grabbing his clothes.

"I'm still waiting for the action and not the talking on that one, sir," you replied

The singer flipped you off and walked back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Your mind quickly switches from the Gene drama to the possibilities of how the night could go with Paul. Looking up at the ceiling with the thoughts filling your head about a relationship with the singer and of giving the Gene a dose of his own medicine.

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