Part 34

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You broke away from the guitarist, recognizing the voice immediately. Paul looked up at you, confused, until you pointed toward the door, going to stand behind the singer.

"Well, bitch boy really did his homework. He found us in seventy-two hours, almost. Did you make sure to give him a cookie this time?" Paul said.

"Y/N, go get your stuff. Me and Paul are going to have a little conversation." Gene said, never taking his eyes off of the younger man.

"Baby, go down to the room. I'll be there to finish what we started in just a couple of minutes." Paul replied, handing you the card key.

You reluctantly took the key and leaned up on your tippy toes to kiss the singer, keeping your eyes locked on the bassist. A loud growl echoed in the small elevator and then you felt a sting ring through your arm, as Gene took hold of your arm and threw you out into the hallway. Feeling the tears well up in your eyes, as you fell to the ground looking up at Paul. You saw his eyes flicker with anger as he looked down at the bruise you could feel forming on your arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! IF YOU WANT TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE THEN DO IT TO ME," Paul yelled, grabbing the bassist by the shirt and throwing him up against the wall

"YOURE FUCKING MY GIRLFRIEND AND IM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY AT THE WHORE?" Gene yelled, trying to get Paul's hands off of him

"Gene, just go back to your hotel room. Ill talk to you tomorrow okay, this isn't worth it. I'm sure you can find someone else to take your frustrations out on." You said, standing up and trying to grab the singer's arm.

"Shut your mouth, you stupid whore! Tony was right. I should have given you to Paul along with the three hundred dollars, but no, I thought the sex was worth the headache," Gene said.

"Apologize now!" Paul said

"Fuck you, Stanley!. You'll see just as soon as she opens up her legs to you. Photos and being the band's traveling slut, that's all she is good for. Who's next Y/N Singer or Kulick? Going to break up a marriage next? Gene asked.

You felt your stomach sink as Paul punched the bassist in the nose, instantly sending blood flying. Gene blinked a few times, clearly stunned by his best friend's quick jab. The bassist swung back at Paul, hitting him in the stomach and then the mouth.

"Stop it now, you two!!! This isn't worth it!" You yelled

The two men traded a few more punches, as you silently prayed for Tony to show up and take Gene out of the situation. You attempted to grab Paul from off Gene, catching a smack across the face from the bassist instantly, making Paul come to your rescue, trying to pull your hand away from your cheek.

"You hit her, you son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you," Paul said..

"Paul, please just take me back to the room so I can get some ice on this." You said, walking down the hall.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. Please meet me tomorrow to talk this out before we leave to go home. We've both made some mistakes." Gene called.

You look at the singer from the corner of your eye, seeing him holding his middle finger high in the air to the bassist's comment. You elbowed Paul softly in the side and shook your head at him, making a smile appear on his face. He took his hand down and wrapped it around your waist. You took the card key and slid it into the door, feeling the singer lay his chin on your shoulder, as he pushed his body into yours.

"Could you let me get the door open and look at your wounds before you try to take advantage of me?" You asked, pushing the door open.

"Believe me, sweetheart, a black eye and busted lip will not keep me from making love to you in every way possible." Paul replied, shrugging out of his vest.

"I know that, but first I want to look at the damage to that pretty face of yours," You said, grabbing the singer's hand.

You lead the singer to the bathroom and point at the toilet, giving him the silent order to sit down. Paul shook his head, but did as directed, letting out an annoyed sigh. You let out a soft chuckle as you turned and grabbed a washcloth to clean the blood off of the singer, when you felt yourself being pulled backwards. Paul looked up at you from his spot with a huge victorious grin on his face. He pulled you down to his lap, gripping you against him.

"I'm sorry Y/N" He whispered, looking at you

"I'm the one that should be sorry, Paul. You just got into a fight with your best friend over someone like me." You said softly, trying to move.

"Did you mean what you said?" Paul asked, letting you go.

You stayed silent for a moment, running the washcloth under the cool water for a bit. Everything over the past five days was hitting you like a freight train. The only thing you were certain of was you had strong feelings for the singer, more than you did for the bassist. Gene's words still danced around in your ears over Paul, dumping you as soon as he got his fill of you. Turning off the water, you turned to the guitarist and gently placed the compress on his face. Paul let out a slight hiss as you wiped his face and then his knuckles. Paul never took his eyes off of you for a second as he waited for you to answer him. After a few minutes, you threw the towel back on the sink and looked him square in the eye.

"Yes, the question is, did you really mean it or will it be like he said?" You replied,

Paul stood from his spot and grabbed your arms tenderly, pushing you up against the bathroom sink. He held your arms to your side and slowly pressed kisses to your neck, paying special attention to the sensitive area below your earlobe. He took the lobe in between his teeth, pulling at it softly with his teeth before running his tongue along the side of it. You trembled as you felt his hot breath against your cool skin.

"Do you want me to tell you how I feel or show you?" He whispered.

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