Part 32

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Paul looked at you for a few seconds before dropping your hand and heading across the street to the beach, leaving you standing alone, speechless. You had finally given the man the truth, and he ran off like nothing had ever happened. The feeling of tears coming down your face made your blood boil, and you darted across the street, following closely behind the singer. You could hear Paul softly muttering to himself and see his hand go through his hair, a clear sign again you had made him nervous.

"Just stop and talk to me, Stanley! You wanted to know my feelings and now you are going to blow me off because there's no more chasing?" You asked.

"Yes, because that's what I do to work people up and then blow them off once I get what I want. I don't even treat one-night stands that bad. Just give me a second to think." Paul replied over his shoulder..

"Think about what? How are you going to let me down easily? Let me guess, you're going to say you can't do this to your best friend. It's bros before hoes." You said.

The singer shook his head and chuckled at the brief comment. You hated he knew how to push your buttons and knew only he could get away with it. You followed the singer to the same spot the two of you had been in early that afternoon. Paul sat his ass down in the sand and then stretched out, looking up at the stars. Squatting down in front of him, you snapped your fingers in front of his face, trying to get Paul's attention. Paul's grin grew wider as he grabbed your hand and pulled you down to his level.

"Will you please just tell me what's going on in that gigantic head of yours.?" You asked

"This one or that one?" Paul countered, pointing at his temple and his dick

"Goddamn it, be serious or I'm leaving right now," you replied.

"I told you I wanted to talk and look at the stars, right? That's what we are doing well. I'm trying to do it since you won't shut up." Paul said.

You sighed and stretched out beside him, crossing your arms in front of your chest and looked up at the sky. The two of you stayed silent for what seemed like hours. The only sounds around the pair of you were the ocean waves splashing against the sand. You stared up at the sky thinking about Eric and Paul's story from the day, feeling sad, yet happy that finally you were honest. The little fluff ball always wanted to see you with the singer and not the bassist. You just wish he had been here to witness it actually happen.

"Are you sure?" Paul asked

You turned your head to the side and blinked at the man twice, confused why he was doubting you. The singer turned on his side and leaned his head on his hand as his dark brown eyes searched yours for the truth. You still had doubts that the man was just wanting a new plaything, and going after you was a bigger challenge since you were supposed to be his best friend's girlfriend. Quickly, you moved from your spot and straddled the guitarist's lap, instantly feeling his hands going to your hips. You leaned your mouth so close to his that the two of you were sharing the same breath, and you felt the singer tremble slightly, making you smile at him.

"The real question is, are you sure?" You whispered.

Paul brushed back a piece of your hair back behind your ear, and ghostly traced his fingers down your face, making it your turn to tremble. You looked down at the singer lightly, waiting to see what his next move was going to be. There was a slight flash of worry that came across his face, but his pupils were blown. Growling, you shoved your mouth hard against his, hearing him moan at the surprise. Paul leaned up and held you tighter against his muscular frame. He changed the rough kisses back to soft and slow, taking control of the situation. You wrapped your arms around the singer's neck, running your fingers through his jet black hair. He swiped his tongue into your mouth as he put both of his hands up your shirt and brushed the delicate skin.

"Oh, fuck," You said, pulling away from the man

"Are you having a problem, my dear?" Paul asked. Look at you with a pleased look.

"Are you going to sit there all night or take me back to the hotel room, so we can both fix our minor problem," You said, running your hand across the bulge pushing against the singer's jeans.

The singer grabbed your face with both of his hands and slammed his mouth into yours. Pushing his tongue back into your mouth for the second time, the two of you explored every area of the other's mouth like it was the first time. Paul moved his hands down your face to your neck until he reached your breast. Keeping his lips locked on yours, he cupped both of them and squeezed them lightly. You broke the kiss and moved your mouth to his neck, blowing against it, smiling when the guitarist let out a hiss. You grabbed his earlobe with your lips nibbling at it, then left a small trail of kisses down his neck. Paul pulled you closer to him and flexed his hips upward, grinding his denim covered erection against your core, making you moan.

You broke the kiss and tried to catch your breath as you looked down at the singer, seeing the wheels in his head turning. Paul moved his fingers to the button of your jeans, keeping his eyes locked on yours. You shook your head at the singer as you looked around the beach area. The last thing the band needed was a story of their lead singer being caught having sex in the public.

"We can't do that here, you crazy ass," You whispered, trying to get off of his lap.

"Fine, the water it is," Paul said, lifting you up

"Paul, don't do it, I have jeans on," You begged, wrapping yourself tighter around the singer.

"I need a please sir, in there or we are going to have some late night water fun," The singer said

"God, why do I have to love a stubborn man," You replied

"That word is just rolling off of your tongue, kinda like I did earlier. Now say it and I'll tell you the truth." Paul replied, continuing his path to the water.

"Fuck! Fine! Please, sir, don't dunk me in the water. Are you happy now?" You yelled.

Paul kissed you softly before you even cussed him out. The two of you exchanged a few more kisses between each other before the singer broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against yours.

"I love you, Y/N, and now I'm going to show you." He replied,

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