Part 7

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(Paul POV)

Paul stared at the door in disbelief at what had just happened. One minute the two of you were all over each other and then you were running out the door. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, wanting to knock on Gene's hotel door and try to talk to you, figure out what the singer had done to upset you. Though the singer knew it would raise questions with the bassist. Paul leaned his head back against the couch, feeling both hurt and confused

"Fuck this, I will not wait for an answer," Paul said to himself, grabbing his room key.

The singer walked out the door and went to the bassist door, knocking rapidly on the door until he heard feet shuffling to open it. Paul felt his heart sink when you opened up with a tear-stained face. He pushed the door open, grabbing your hand and leading right back to his room. You tried to avoid eye contact with him, wiping more tears away from your eyes as you sat back on the couch, and Paul took a seat in the chair, not wanting to upset you forward.

"Y/N talk to me. What was that about? If I hurt you I'm really sorry," Paul said.

"Why does this keep happening with us? I'm with him but you and I can't keep our hands off each other. What's this going to do with us working together, our friendship or your and Gene's relationship?" You sputtered out.

"Y/N, take a breath for me, okay? Listen, I've had feelings for you for a while, the kiss just strengthened them and no matter how much you want to deny it, you've had them too, you just lowered your standards for someone else that doesn't care like I do. Working with me was my chance to get more time with you. You being the photographer for the band is because you have too much talent that needs to be out there for the world to see," Paul replied.

"I don't think sneaking around is right though, how can you be okay with that, Paul?" You countered

Paul looked at you, trying to keep from blowing a gasket at the comment. Gene ran around on you after every show, and Paul had been the buffer trying to console you plus protect his best friend. Until his feelings grew and then he wanted to destroy the bassist for how much pain he caused you. The singer ran a hand down his face and took a deep breath, moving from the couch and grabbing your hand to make you look at him.

"What the fuck do you think asshole does every night to you? If you think that he's just holding a casual conversation with those women, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but that's just not the case. Y/N think of how many times we've gone out and talked to keep you from leaving, or how many times you've cried on my shoulder over because of that dickwad!" The singer said.

"You act like you won't do the same thing. It's just a matter of time before a big boobed blonde catches your attention and you forget all of this. You scoffed, pulling your hand away.

Paul tried his best to not grab your chin and kiss you as you looked back at him, biting your bottom lip. He sighed, not sure what to do or what to say. You stood up to leave again, and he grabbed you, pulling you right back down beside him, holding his hand up when you attempted to speak. Reaching over to the table, grabbing the VHS tape Paul had planned to watch with you. The singer put the tape in your lap, grinning back at you, when you looked up at him confused.

"Let's watch this like I planned, okay? If you don't want to do anything, we won't do anything, but at least think about what I said, okay. You never have to tell me how you feel, though that kiss kinda sealed the deal." The singer replied.

"Fine! Ill watch the movie with you, and maybe you're right, but it's something I have to think about. Now put the damn tape in Stanley, and give me my junior mints." You told him.

"Yes, Ma'am," Paul laughed, throwing you the small box.

He grabbed the tape and went to put it in the player, grabbing his own bag of candy and moving over to his own bed. You stood up from the couch and grinned at him as you pulled him right back over to sit beside you. Paul shook his head at you, surprised you didn't run out of the room again. Resting your head on his shoulder, the two of you watched 'The Godfather'. Paul let out a content sigh as you moved your head to his lap, grinning as you looked up at him, rolling your eyes.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, freak. I'm just getting comfortable. I forgot how long this movie was." You said.

"You thought it, not me. Why don't we just go lay on the beds, and before you freak out separate beds." Paul replied.

"If I lay next to you in the same bed, do you promise not to try anything funny?" You asked.

"What do you mean by funny? Like this?" Paul replied, grabbing your sides.

You yelped and tried not to laugh too loud as the singer tickled your side, trying to swat his hand away. Paul laughed and let you go, moving over toward one of the beds, flopping down on and rolling over to his side. The room stayed silent for a bit while the singer waited for you to decide. You moved from the couch and to the free spot on the bed. Paul moved back over and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at you.

"You can cover up! I promise I will stay above the covers and if you fall asleep scout's honor ill still be fully clothed when you wake up." Paul said, holding up his right hand.

"Somehow its easier to trust you than anyone else I know." You sighed, pulling the blankets over you and scooting closer to Paul, putting your hand on his chest.

"Now don't you get all touchy with me, missy, a kiss is one thing, you go playing with my chest and then you are just playing with fire." the singer replied.

You smacked the singer, making him laugh for a couple of seconds before he wrapped an arm around you. Paul ran his arm softly down your arm, feeling the tension leave the room, and you moved your head to his chest. The room was filled with soft breathing as the credits of the movie ran across the screen, making the singer smile as he looked down, finding you sound asleep.

"I'm definitely going to have a hard time sleeping now," He murmured to himself.

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