Part 16

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An Hour Later

"Thank god we are finally here!" You said, looking at the sand.

"We would have been here sooner if you just would have let me into the restroom to help you change. We could have come sooner," Paul replied, grabbing your hand and pulling you forward.

"I thought you said you didn't like to come quickly," you said, feeling his hand stiffen

"Stop toying with me, Y/N, it's not fair," Paul murmured

"Well, if you would just start playing with me, maybe toys wouldn't be necessary," you told him

Paul coughed and turned around to look at you with his mouth hanging open at your comment. You held up your hand with the bag of beach toys in your hand, shaking it. He continued to pull you to the beach, mumbling under his breath about something being unfair. You tried to hide the grin forming across your face as you followed behind the man, thankful you had actually listened to Paul and gotten sandals as you felt the heat coming off of the sand.

"How about here? It's less crowded and gives us a chance to talk. First, though, we should probably get some sunscreen on you. Remember the last time, when you couldn't move because you were so burnt. I think the stores ran out of aloe vera in that town because of your non listening ass." Paul said, pulling stuff out of his own sacks.

"Yes, I should have listened to Mr. Stanley. I will obey you now sir," you replied, chuckling.

"Keep writing checks your ass can't cash, Y/N. I love how my name just rolls off of your tongue like that, though. I would prefer you on your back screaming it with your nails digging into my skin, but this will do for now," Paul said, laying out the large towels.

"I think you're all talk, and no walk, mister. Now hurry. The sooner you get this stuff unpacked, the sooner we can go goof off in the water." You said dumping out the sand toys.

Five minutes later, the two of you had everything spread out and were laying on your separate towels. You crossed your arms behind your head, using it as a makeshift pillow, feeling eyes scanning your body up and down. Shaking your head, you moved your sunglasses slowly down your face, looking over the brim of them at the singer. Paul grinned at you, then moved from his spot, grabbing the sunscreen out of the bag beside you.

"I don't think you really need that. You don't burn that much." You said.

Paul rolled his eyes and moved to sit behind you, lining his legs beside you. Unintentionally, you shook just at the warmth radiating from the singer. The singer chuckled and slowly ran the cool lotion across your shoulders, rubbing it into your skin. You rolled your neck around, knowing Paul was taking every opportunity he could to touch you, just as you would for him. Paul moved his large callous hands across any exposed skin, massaging the lotion deeper. You bit your lip trying to suppress the building moan in your chest, trying not to squirm as you felt yourself getting wet from the slow sweeps of the singer's hands.. It was true what you had heard from all the groupies at the after show parties. Paul definitely knew what he was doing with his fingers.

"Alright, I just gotta get your legs, and then you can go play," Paul said, moving to sit in front of you.

"Um, I don't think so, mister," You said, pulling your sunglasses off

"Would you just relax, Y/N? You are enjoying it. Will it make you feel better if I let you do me next?" the singer asked.

"Oh, you do not know how much I'd like to do you," you replied, cringing as soon as the words left your lips.

"Really, now?" Paul asked.

"I thought you would not rub on me in this region anyway, without confirmation I was single?" you countered

"I know the ins and outs of what I can do to you, Y/N. As soon as I know you're single, that list of what I will do to you is just going to keep getting longer than mini me. I don't want your legs to hurt too much from a sunburn when they are over my shoulders for hours." Paul replied, continuing his attack.

You felt your mouth drop open at the singer, not surprised by his comment but wishing you had spare changes to go back to the payphone you had noticed down the block. Paul cocked his head to the side with a smug smirk on his face. Smacking his hands away, you stood up, and grabbed his hand pulling him up to his feet.

"What are you doing?" Paul asked

"Going swimming, that's part of why we are here, duh," you replied, trying to pull him further.

"You can go out there to swim. However, darling Paul Stanley doesn't like the ocean." He told you matter-of-factly, letting go of your hand.

"Oh, no you don't, we will build your sand castle, while you share this story," You laughed, running up behind him

You sat next to the singer and grinned at him, as Paul rolled his eyes and draped his arm over your shoulder. The two of you stayed quiet for a few minutes, as you ran your hand up and down Paul's exposed thigh, hearing the quivery breath escape him. He cleared his throat, and ghostly ran his fingers down your shoulder.

"So a few years ago, the band was out in Hawaii," Paul began his story. 

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