Part 10

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(Paul POV)

The band came off the stage and handed their guitars to each of their respective roadies. Paul followed behind his other three bandmates, trying to avoid any conversations that may come up and see you. He was beyond pissed on how you had allowed Gene to be all over you, after sleeping with a girl while you were away, and after Paul had poured his heart out to you. The singer looked around, trying to spot Tony, the band's tour manager, hoping to find a way to the hotel without having to ride the bus back. Paul looked back toward the door, noticing Eric staring at him hard.

"If you have something to say about Y/N storming off before we went on stage, I honestly don't want to hear it. Gene can have her. All I care about for now is her getting my shit taken care of and making sure she takes decent photos of the band. She wants to stay in a miserable relationship, then fuck her," Paul said.

"Okay, I was going to ask you about grabbing dinner at the hotel, but it seems like you are dealing with some shit. Do you want to talk about it? I don't think you mean what you are saying," Eric replied.

"Did you hear anything I just said? I will not talk about Y/N unless it has something to do with her work for the band. I will, however, have dinner with you. Maybe we can get lucky," The singer replied.

Paul and Eric continued their walk to the bus making a small conversation, when the singer spotted you standing on the side of the bus, frantically talking to the road manager, making both men stop dead in their tracks. Paul walked over to where you stood, crossing his arms in front of his chest, waiting for you or Tony to notice him. After waiting a couple of minutes, the singer cleared his throat loudly, smirking when you jumped.

"Did you get any shots of the band, or were you too busy telling everybody how mean I was to you to do what we pay you to do?" Paul asked.

"Paul, maybe you should calm down first," Eric said, pulling on the singer's jacket.

"What the fuck is your problem, Paul? You told me how you wanted to be with me, to act like a bigger douche than Gene. What the fuck did I do so wrong?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm a douche or an asshole. Go ahead, Y/N, and spin it however you need to so you come out the victim. You know I meant every word, but you're too stupid to realize a good thing." Paul replied.

"Paul, do not say something you are going to regret later, Tony. Why don't you take Y/N on the other bus? Give these two a little breathing room, okay?" The drummer said, pulling Paul back toward the bus.

"I quit, Paul, I'm on the next flight out," You said

"You quit working for the band. You better hope your boyfriend pays for your flight because it's not coming from our management team." The singer replied,

Paul smacked Eric's hand away and gave one last glare at you, then walked on the bus, walking straight to the back and slamming the door. The singer took a seat on the leather couch, putting his head into his hands, trying to control his breathing. The whole situation had escalated before the singer could get his emotions in check and try to have a rational conversation with you. Paul didn't want a relationship with you to be thrown in the trash all because he let Gene's antics in the interview and the bullshit affection the bassist had shown you, knowing it was going to leave you with a shattered heart that even the singer couldn't repair. The sound of screaming outside of the bus made the singer lift his head.

"What the fuck is going on out there," Paul said, unlocking the door.

The singer started walking through the bus and saw the first responder team from the show and his bandmates standing in a circle around someone. Paul jogged down the stairs and over to Bruce, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. The guitarist looked over with a concerned look on his face and grabbed Paul's arm, blocking the older man from witnessing what was taking place.

"Bruce, what is going on over there? Did a fan get hurt?" Paul asked, trying to push the guitarist out of his way.

"It's not a fan, Paul, but it is someone else that's important to us," Bruce replied, blocking the singer.

"All four of us are right here," The Singer said, looking at Bruce confused for a moment.

"I'll explain in a couple of minutes. Please go back on the bus, Okay? Bruce asked, turning away.

Paul stared at the younger man, trying to determine who could've been hurt in the band or crew. He felt his stomach drop as a single person crossed his mind. The singer sprinted past the guitarist, ignoring the calls from behind him. Paul pushed through the small crowd, glimpsing small the figure on the ground, until both Eric and Gene saw him, catching the singer before he could advance any further.

"Get the fuck off of me right now! I want to know what happened goddamn it!" Paul yelled, thrashing against the other two men.

Things We Do At NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora