Part 11

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(Reader POV)

Several Hours Later

You woke up and looked around the dimly lit room, instantly being hit with pain running up the left side of your head. Moving your hand up to your forehead, you felt the large bandage taped to it and saw the heart monitor clipped to your right index finger. You groaned, trying to remember what had landed you in a hospital bed. The sound of soft snoring filled the room, causing glance to the side, surprised to find Paul passed out on the small couch.

"Paul, wake up," You whispered.

The singer ran a hand down his face, trying to wake himself up, then turned to face you, flashing a sleepy grin. Paul moved from over to your bed, grabbing your hand. You looked into the dark brown eyes, seeing the sadness and worry dancing in them. It was something again you weren't used to seeing from another man, still making you a tad uneasy about the man, knowing how his best friend felt about you. The singer rubbed small circles across your knuckles, bringing your attention back to him.

"How are you feeling?" Paul asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Oh, just fine, though staying at a hotel every night was getting too boring, so why not try a hospital. I heard the breakfast can sometimes be better than the ones at the hotels too." You replied with a small smirk.

"Hell, you've been around the traveling circus that is KISS for three years. It's probably about time you got your head checked out. Maybe I should do it too while we wait." Paul said,

The two of you looked at each other for a moment before you went into a fight of laughter. The band helped you make a lot of memories and see a lot of places you never thought you'd get to see. Eric and Paul definitely knew how to make an adventure out of everything, and create a lot of hangovers with it. You were thankful you were the only one in the group interested in taking photos of events or one of them would have some serious black mail. Wiping the tears away from your eyes, you glanced around the room, trying to locate your boyfriend.

"Is he here? Gene I mean." You asked.

Paul's face fell as he looked back at you, giving the unspoken answer. The bassist hadn't bothered to even come when you had failed. You pulled your hand away from his grasp and stared down at the end of your bed, trying to fight back the oncoming tears. Gene was with a girl at the hotel while he waited for Paul or Tony's call to let him know you were okay. The afternoon's events from the hotel to the bus came rushing back, as you turned to look at Paul, feeling the anger switch from the bassist to the singer in less than two seconds.

"You made it pretty clear you wanted nothing to do with me, unless it had something to do with the band. So why are you here?" You asked.

"Y/N, you're my friend, someone that I wish was more than my friend, but I still got a lot of work to do in that department. What happened earlier was me reacting to Gene being a douchebag, and being all over you like what happened hours before and how you felt did not matter. I should have laid into him more about it, besides in that interview. You were the first person who came into my path." Paul replied.

"How do I know that there will not be a next time in our relationship, I mean friendship, or as you being my boss? He does that, Gene, he throws a fit and then talks sweetly in my ear." You said.

"I don't have the answers right now, Y/N, I don't. You can just watch my actions. I mean, Tony almost had a heart attack trying to catch me before I jumped into the back of the ambulance with you." Paul replied, his boyish smirk returning.

"Oh, poor Tony! You are so mean to him and all he does is try to keep you guys safe." You said, shaking your head, feeling the pain circulating in your head again.

Things We Do At NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora