Part 22

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You looked at the singer and wiped your eyes with your thumb, remembering Eric Carr. The man had been just as shy as you were, yet made sure everyone felt like they were one of the most important people in the room. The drummer's death had devastated both Paul and Gene, and each interviewer was relentless about asking questions about the drummer's illness, death, and why they had replaced the late drummer with Eric Singer so soon. Eric had just as tough a time when he became an official member of the band.

"He was so fun to have around. What life would be like if everything had gone according to plan," Paul said with a sigh, looking down at the ground.

"God, I miss that fluff ball before you started talking to me until after Gene and I had been dating for six months. Eric was my best friend. Why did you not talk to me much at the party? You just disappeared," You said, with a small sniffle.

"Yeah, your friend and partner in chaos, let's be honest, Y/N. You really think I didn't talk to you that much at the party? You and I were glued to the hip most of that night until I turned my back for two minutes to get a drink. I waited for a bit to talk to you after Gene got attached to you. Mainly to cool my temper down." Paul said, staring at you.

You walked out of the bathroom and toward the bed feeling suddenly tired. Laying down, you tried to think of the party and if you and the singer had talked much at the party, or if it had just been you, Gene and Eric that had socialized. Paul climbed in beside you and rolled to his side, leaning his head on the palm of his head. He watched you like he was trying to memorize every feature in your face, making you self-conscious under the gaze.

"Do you want me to tell you or do you want to take a nap first?" He replied, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear.

"I want to continue what you started in the bathroom, and talk about this later," You said, leaning up on your elbow.

"No sex until you remember the party and make a phone call. We crossed one line already," Paul replied, adjusting his pillow.

"Yet kissing is okay?" You asked, moving your finger-tips down his chest.

Paul grinned and snatched your hand off of his chest, pulling it to his mouth. Keeping his eyes on you, the singer kissed each digit of your pale white hand before folding it close and kissing your knuckles. The core of desire started building again, and you quickly pulled your hand away from him. He let out a chuckle that shook the entire bed. Paul had a laugh that was always funnier than any joke told and soon you began laughing with him, wiping tears away from your eyes.

"Why are we even laughing?" You asked.

"Just thinking how all of this would be okay, if I would have stayed closer to you that night," Paul replied.

"Does that mean no more steamy make outs and why didn't you stay close to me that night? Did something happen that night to distract you?" You asked.

"Yes, we can kiss whenever you want. I will tell you at dinner about my memory of the party then. Now go to sleep Y/N. You are still recovering, young lady." He said sternly.

"Yes, sir." You replied, frowning at him.

The next thing you knew, you were looking up at the guitarist, hovering over you, trying his best not to put too much of his weight on you. Paul leaned down and, just like in the bathroom, ran one hand down your body and bit his bottom lip. You watched the man trying to hold back, not give in to betraying his best friend more than he already had. The loyalty thing between the two of them drove you crazy, knowing Gene would have no second thoughts about screwing you in a second.

"Kiss me" You said, sharply.

"I don't think I should. We won't be able to stop. At least I wouldn't," He replied.

"You rolled over on top of me just to stare at me. This loyalty thing is getting to be frustrating," You said, pushing him away.

"Since it bothers you so much, I'm going to just go shower and then go back to the other hotel. When you have your head on straight, then you can call my room and give an answer about dinner, or go back to living your normal life with that fucker." Paul replied, getting out of bed.

"I just want you to stop over thinking and go with your gut or heart. I'm sorry I upset you, now get your fine ass back in this bed and at least cuddle with me." You said with a pout.

Paul laid right back in his same spot and pulled you to his chest, making you smile. The room stayed quiet for a while as the singer held you close to him and you listened to his pounding heartbeat. You wondered what was on Paul's mind as he continued to run his fingers down your arm. Just as you were about to move back to your spot and go to sleep when the singer cleared his throat.

"You want my side of what I remember from the party?" He asked.

You looked up at him and nodded your head at him, seeing the panic in his eyes. He got out of the bed and pulled on a pair of his jeans. He moved to the second bed and leaned forward with his hands pressed together like he was praying. Your heart dropped to your stomach, wondering if something bad had happened that had drawn you to Gene instead of Paul.

"Alright, you asked for this. Remember that," Paul said.

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