Part 30

141 7 4

(After Party- Reader POV)

You ran as fast as you could down the hallway, hearing someone calling your name. Paul had seemed to differ from the other guys in his band. Wiping the tears away from your face as you pushed your way through the crowd. You glanced over, seeing Bruce and Eric leaned against the wall talking, and the guitarist pointing over toward you, making the drummer turn around. You waved them off with your hand and kept toward the door when an arm touched your shoulder.

"Y/N, what happened?" Eric asked

"Did someone hurt you? Do we need to get Tony to kick their asses?" Bruce asked.

You turned and faced both men, feeling your chin quivering harder, not even knowing you for less than twelve hours since they had already made you a part of the team. You burst into tears and took a seat on the bench beside the door, sobbing quietly into your hands. The two men mumbled above you before you felt someone kneel in front of you and pat your leg.

"Do you want to leave and go for a walk? Maybe some fresh air and talking will help?" Bruce asked.

"No, I think I'll just get a cab and go home. Thank you both though," You replied, wiping the tears away from your eyes.

"Nope, I'm not letting my new best friend go home in tears. Off to the bar to talk, sing and cause mayhem!" Eric yelled.

"Oh, no, can we please not have King Chaos tonight? Just one time when I have to keep you out of trouble, will you make it easy on me?" Bruce begged.

"Nope, Let's go, Y/N!" The drummer yelled, grabbing your hand.


Several Hours Later

"Can we get two more, please?" Eric shouted at the bartender.

"How about you drink some water first?" Bruce asked, holding out a glass.

The three of you had walked for several blocks as you told the guys what happened back in the dressing room with Paul. Bruce had remained silent, while Eric asked a million questions or cursed about his bandmate being an asshole. Eric had spotted the bar first and grabbed your hand, pulling you inside with Bruce groaning behind you. Both you and the drummer had spent the night matching each other shot for shot. You nodded your head and took the water, chugging it down as your head spun.

"I have to pee and then it's on to the next place! The chaos has only begun." the drummer stood up with his finger in the air.

You laughed and shook your head as the drummer stumbled away from the group. Bruce wiped his face with his hand, then moved to sit over next to you. The bartender placed the two new shots that Eric had ordered in front of the two of you, instantly making your stomach do somersaults. Bruce looked from the shots, then back over to you, before he picked them up and placed them to the side.

"Let's take a break with these, okay?" Bruce replied

"Thank you, lets just hope he forgets all about drinking by the time he gets back. This day has been interesting for sure." You chuckled.

"Paul didn't lie to you, Y/N. Besides me, Gene is the only one in a relationship, and it's a rocky one. They are more off than they are on. Tracy and Paul haven't been together for over a year. Tracy's sudden appearance at the party with her sister was because, well, Gene likes to cock block," the guitarist replied.

"Wait, I saw both women and they are drop dead beautiful. Why would either of them want a peasant?" You asked, waving at yourself.

"Paul goes for heart, and I can see why he wanted to get to know you more. Do me a favor even if you decide you don't want to come around us anymore that you stop talking down on yourself. Those two don't hold a candle to what you got." Bruce said.

"She smacked him really hard. That's why I ran out of there. I guess maybe I should go give him a chance to explain his side? He probably settled for someone else, though." You replied..

"I think he rather light himself on fire than sleep with his ex again. Let's get the fluff ball and you can just stay in one of our rooms." The guitarist said, standing up..

You went to stand up from your chair when the room spun quickly as your stomach turned. The sound of Bruce calling your name was the last thing you heard before everything around you went black.


The next morning

You woke up on a couch with a screaming headache as your eyes fluttered open and you looked around the room, trying to figure out where you were. The sound of loud snoring brought your eyes to the bed. You found Eric half way hanging off the bed with drool dripping out of his mouth. Wiping your hand down your face, your thoughts raced back to the night before with Paul.

"I need to go talk to him and find coffee," you mumbled as you sat up.

"It's a day off you can hang out with us." Eric said, trying to keep his eyes open

"I'm going to find coffee first and then we'll talk, okay?" You whispered, putting your shoes on.

"My room keys over there" He pointed before flopping back down on his pillow.

You grabbed the key and quietly exited the room, knowing that with how badly your head hurt, you could only imagine how Eric felt. Shoving the key into your pocket, you headed toward the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. You heard heavy footsteps approaching, made you look up and shake your head at the sight of the other person.

"I figured you were long gone after what you saw with Paul and Tracy. Why didn't you stop when I called out for you?" Gene asked.

"I didn't hear you, and I wanted to get as far away from that room as possible. Paul definitely deserved what he got." You replied, just as the doors opened.

"I'm not sure what happened after. My focus was to find you and make sure you were okay." Gene replied.

"Well, I appreciate it. I see at least two out of the four of you aren't all whores," You said, standing in the back corner.

The two of you stayed quiet as the elevator sped down to the first floor, making your stomach turn. You put your hand on your stomach and closed your eyes, hoping the ding of the door opening would sound off soon when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Gene asked, furrowing his eyebrows at you.

"Too much alcohol with King Chaos and his court jester." You replied, looking back at the ground.

The bassist moved to stay in front of you and pulled your chin up to look at him for a second. A devious smirk dancing across his face before he bent down and kissed you gently. The sound of the doors opened made you jump and pull away, seeing Paul and Tony standing in the entranceway.

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