Part 2

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(Paul POV)

Paul wrapped the towel in his hand around his neck, holding it on either end as he watched Gene slammed the door and began laughing. The singer looked around the room, seeing his bandmates looking uncomfortable as they waited to see what happened between him and Gene. The bassist looked up, seeing his best friend staring at him instantly, causing him to stop laughing. Paul leaned against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest, waiting for Gene to explain his behavior and the way he had treated you.

"Don't give me that look, Stanley. Y/N is a dramatic woman, and she knew what she signed up for when she got with me three years ago." Gene shrugged.

"Oh cut the crap, Simmons! You can't just treat people like you do, and you're not God's gift to the world!" Paul snapped.

"We are going to go back to the hotel," Eric pipped up

Paul glanced over in the drummer's direction, watching as he and Bruce quickly gathered their belongings and ran out of the room like their lives depended on it. The singer turned back to the bassist, seeing the same smug look dancing across his face, making Paul's stomach turn at the sight of it. Paul moved from the wall and went back to his bag, pulling out one of his t-shirts. He slipped it over his head, taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. One thing the singer couldn't stand was for people to be treated like dirt, especially women. Paul never saw the need to treat women like objects instead of human beings. That again was one of the many differences between him and the bassist.

"So why are you pissed at me?" Gene asked from the door.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just sick of you thinking that because you 're a rock star people's feelings don't matter. You don't owe me anything right now. The crying girl in your hotel room is who you owe an explanation to." Paul said, grabbing his bag.

"At least let me ride back to the hotel with you. Y/N took my limo so I'm kinda stuck." the bassist replied.

"Hurry, you got 10 minutes and then you better hope you can get a cab," the singer said

Paul tried not to laugh as he watched Gene scramble to gather all of his belongings and meet the singer's timeline.


30 minutes Later,

"Do you think you can go up there and honestly be nice to her," Paul asked, walking into the hotel with his bandmate

"I don't know what you two expect from me. I've been upfront this whole time!" Gene started

"The answer is no," the singer scoffed, walking away

"Why don't you just stay the hell out of my relationship, Paul! Not all of us men are supersensitive," the bassist replied.

"Hard to stay out of it when your room is right next to mine and your girlfriend comes to me." the singer stated

The two men got on the elevator, tension filling the small area as they waited for the doors to open on the sixth floor. Paul let out a sigh of relief when the doors opened and quickly jumped off the lift. He unlocked his room door and threw his bag on the floor, before laying across the king-sized bed and covering his face with his hands.

Paul laid there for a few minutes until screaming echoed through the paper-thin walls, making him jump. The singer rolled his eyes at the same banter back and forth, arguing between the two of you. Paul's temper flared again at the sound of your crying, and he wondered if it would be best to walk over and get you away from Gene for a bit. It bugged him you couldn't see someone else was available that could treat you better than his sleazeball best friend.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A CUN..." Gene yelled.

Paul jumped up off the bed and grabbed the key, leaving quickly slamming the door hard enough for the two of you to hear. As the singer passed Gene's room, the sound of a slap echoed, making Paul smile to himself. Paul went straight back down to the hotel bar crossing and took the first seat he saw. He needed to relax and find a way to quiet the devil on his shoulder, rather it be with a few drinks or a woman underneath the sheets.


(Reader POV)

You pulled your hand away from the bassist's cheek, feeling the sting in your hand. Gene stared down at you with his right hand going to the left side of his face, holding it. The tears poured down your face, and you covered your mouth to stop the painful sob that had been building since the bassist had come back to the room. You moved back toward the bed, laying down and hiding your face in the pillow, sobbing freely into it, still feeling Gene's eyes on you.

"Why do you have to be like this, Y/N? It was just casual flirting. You act like I was fucking those girls right in front of you." Gene scoffed.

"How can you justify this?" You asked, lifting your head up.

"You knew exactly what you were getting into when you agreed to date me. Either deal with it or go back to whatever town you came from." The bassist shrugged and walked away, shutting the bathroom door.

"Fuck you." You mumbled, getting up from the bed.

You paced the room back and forth trying to calm down, as the sound of Gene turning on the shower brought you to a halt. The words the bassist had just spit at you, making your blood boil higher, and you knew space would be best for now until things got any more out of hand than they already were. Grabbing your camera bag and the extra room key, you checked your appearance in the mirror and walked out the door. You stood in the hallway for a few seconds wondering if you should bother paul with any more of the bullshit tonight, knowing his room was right next to Genes. Shaking your head, you decided better of it and moved toward the elevator. You decided to grab some food and have a few drinks at the bar to calm your nerves before going out and snapping a few photos while you thought about going back home.

The thought terrified you, but you tried to push it out of your mind as you stepped off of the elevator. Walking straight toward the hotel bar and restaurant, you scanned the room, looking for an available seat away from the crowd. Your eyes landed on a familiar face, making your mood change suddenly, taking you a little by surprise. You slide into the spot right next to the person and cleared your throat, trying to hide your grin at the surprised look across the man's face.

"Well, fancy meeting you here, Y/N,"

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