- chapter 1. the name of Coax

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖆𝖝 ❀
𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗


    ESME Coax knew nothing of the struggles that the Wizarding World faced, in fact, the only struggles she knew were the ones she had to face herself, in the walls of her home. Her home, that she was encased in along with her Grandparents and her youngest sister, Rose. It's the only family she knew, the only family she had.

She understood what the people in the world had to face everyday, she wasn't dumb. But there was still much she was to learn, after all, she was only eleven. Esme wasn't yet aware of the power her name holds in society or how when her times comes, she will rule over Hogwarts with the name. All she knew is how much she longs to attend the school she dreamt of. Her escape.

Every morning for the past month she runs down the stairs, bouncing in and pestering her Grandmother and Grandfather if the letter had arrived. She waits to hold the key to the rest of the world in her hands.

    "Not today, but it will," Angie repeats, her eyes barely peeking over her newspaper.

    "I want mine when she gets hers," Rose complained as Esme baits her breath. There's nothing she wanted more than her sister to come along with her every step of the way.

    "Your turn will come when you're eleven Rose, like every other child in the world," again, Angie spoke plain, telling them how it goes while Ian is 'sleeping' in the living room to avoid the girls yells in the early morning.

    Rose grumbled and rushed over to Ian "Grandpa!" she jumped on the sofa as he lets out a humph and slowly peeled his eyes open "How can i get my letter now?"

    Ian thought on it "Live everyday again until you reach the age."

Esme was starting to lose hope her letter would ever come, as the days quickly blurred together and her mind conjured all magical reasons as to why she wouldn't get her letter. Perhaps deep down she wasn't magical enough, maybe they didn't want her, maybe she was cured to this house?

But Esme was magical, she displayed it every day without noticing. She could levitate herself around the house before the age of one, she could light the fire with a clap of her hands (the fire did once catch to the walls and burn a plant to cinder but they don't talk about that) but if she can unknowingly do magic then why was she missing out on her letter?

The possibilities ran untamed in her mind for another week that it doesn't turn up.

Except the fact it did.

The letter had been slipped through and landed softly on the mat to welcome it. Pale hands reached out to take it. Though it was addressed to Esmerelda Lynn Coax, in green cursive writing, It didn't stop Rose digging the letter in the back of her dress.

    Esme saw her sister wander in and straightened up "Anything?"

Rose says nothing, but shakes her head and watches as her sister slumps back down, walking away like she'd been sent to her death. With no remorse, Rose rushed up to her room, ripped open the letter herself and read through the words she was desperate to get. It was inviting Esme to Hogwarts, and not herself. Only her Grandma interrupted her imagination that started running wild of fantasies of going to the castle, as a calling came for breakfast.

In spite of both girls practically remaining locked up in the large mansion in a small village, Rose would confidently say she's the most desperate to flee out of her and her sister. The air from the window isn't the same as it is from the rest of the world, the simple spells her grandparents use aren't all you see in Hogwarts and all Rose wants is to go. To be free. No doubt her sister wants it to but Esme will get the taste of her freedom sooner than Rose would.

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