- chapter 3. the red head and the scar boy

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖗 𝖇𝖔𝖞 ❀


      WITH her Grandparents and sister in toe, they all walked into Kings Cross station. Ian pushed along the trolley that held Esme's mountain of things while Angie held hands with each of the girls. The air already felt fresh to Esme and leaving her home was easier than she expected. After all most of her possessions were packed.

    "I've arranged for you to meet the Weasley family, their youngest son is going into your year. Thought you'd like to start the year with a friend," Angie told her a they made their way through the hustle and bustle of the station.

     Esme glanced back to Ian, who only shrugged his shoulders at her interference "Grandma, you know when i'm in school, you wont be able to arrange my every day around what you want?" she checked.

    "Well we'll see about that." Angie uttered under her breath.

Rose was quiet. She hadn't spoke up at all on their travels despite all three of their best tries. When Esme came home from Diagon alley, she chucked a chocolate cauldron on the bed for her, but didn't even get a smile. Rose was guilt tripping her for going to the school she would be attending herself in a year.

Esme continued on walking with the rest of them. Inn the distance, a red-headed family stood like a beacon next to the shining black train. Marveling in all its beauty, Esme paused, prying her hands from Angie and staring, perplexed by the train that would take her away.

      Ian had stopped next to her, an arm around her shoulder "You feeling good sunshine?" he asked, leading her along and pushing the trolley along. She hummed in a response. Ian did the thing he did best, magic. Waving his hand over her ear, it was empty, yet when he re-tracked it, there was a golden chocolate coin "Penny for your thoughts?"

    Esme laughed lightly and calmed herself before she asked "Was my Mum happy here?" she asked, in desperate need, the thought of her own Mother attending the place she was going to plaguing her, in a good way. But the same things Angie has said also cursed her.

    Ian looked down to the girl who reminded him so much of his daughter it would almost be painful unless he'd made peace with the fact his daughter was at peace "The happiest she ever was," he assured her "And I know, you will be too." he stroked her hair calmingly as they went back over to Angie and Rose who were standing with an older redhead, a small young girl redhead, and a boy redhead.

    "Hello there," the older one said as Esme approached "I'm Mrs Weasley, you probably don't remember me, I used to visit when you were only four." she said sweetly, but Esme couldn't remember, and she was sure neither of her Grandparents had ever mentioned a Weasley.

    Esme (who was still trying to get used to new people) smiled awkwardly. She noticed the younger girl staring at her in wonder but was stopped when she was nudged by Mrs Weasley.

     "This is Ronald, he's going to be in your year with you." she greeted, trying to wipe the mud that stained his nose but he was pushing her away and grunting.

      "Mum!" he complained before seeing Esme "Hi."

      "Hello." said Esme.

      "We'll be waiting right over there for you." Mrs Weasley said as they back up to other redheaded kids, who she guessed were her sons- Rons brothers.

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