- chapter 14. meeting William Pruitt

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓. 𝖒𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒
𝕻𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖙 ❀


ESME had long forgotten the smell of the Hogwarts class room, she'd already forgotten what homework she was meant to do and thought she was slowly forgetting her friends faces and laughs. All because the invasive walls were crushing her in her house again.

Most of the time it was a struggle to get Esme out of her room, where she spent most time catching up on her work or writing to her friends. That was the one place where she was herself and she felt truly happy. Already she had pictures of her friends, and one of the castle with new posters scattered around her walls and her Hogwarts books were littered around. There was also a prominent Gryffindor banner above her bed that let everybody know what house she was in.

Rose found a new happiness thinking about Hogwarts and she often enjoyed barging into Esme's room at any time of day and asking her, or pestering her about it to which (depending when she caught Esme) earned a groan of annoyance or maybe a small conversation.

Angie wasn't bothered by her change cause now it meant she didn't have to deal with Esmes pesters, now only Roses. But Ian was more concerned for the eldest of the Coax siblings. Her withdrawal from the world worried him as she struggled to get in a conversation or wouldn't smile nor laugh as much as she has done. The promise of visiting the Weasleys, or Neville had vanished into the air.

He understood that after spending time out in Hogwarts, then coming back home must have been a shock to the system. So, on one random Tuesday morning, Ian dragged Esme from her room and sat her down for breakfast. The four of them sitting around the table.

"Esme, my letter will be coming in about two weeks." Rose told her.

"Great," she said taking some cereal "Maybe i'll hide it and burn it." she teased, remembering what she did to hers when she first got hers.

Rose pulled a face and stuck her tongue out as Esme smirked, twirling her cereal around in her bowl before taking a bite as her eyes wondered to the window that showed the sun.

Ian watched "Esme, we're out of eggs and parchment," he told her as Angie looked to him, knowing they had a stack of parchment in their room "If I give you the coins for it, can you head to the village today and pick some up?" he asked her "alone."

Esme would do anything to get out this house and the fact he was allowing her made her almost jump from her chair and bounce to her room right away "Yes, yes I can." she smiled and Ian laughed.

"Go get ready then and you can go this morning." he told her, laughing as she stumbled from the table and pounced up the stairs, as they all heard the door close from behind her.

"Why can't I go?" Rose asked, dropping her spoon in the bowl, causing it to clatter "Why does Esme get to go?" it wasn't fair that Esme was let out when she'd been kept in this house while Esme could go to school.

"Yes, why are you letting Esme out?" Angie questioned, Ian not having discussed it with her.

Ian withdrew from rolling his eyes "It's only the village," he sighed "And we truly are out of eggs. You don't get that she's growing up Angie, we have to give her some freedom and privacy in her life. Why do you think she's been staying in her room all this time?"

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