- chapter 6. Fluffy

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝. 𝕱𝖑𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖞 ❀


"HARRY, that's amazing!" Esme cheered, clutching his arm as she walked with Harry and Ron through the school grounds. Turns out, he was far from expelled, but, was put on the team for seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team "Can't wait to see Dracos face," she laughed, making their way through the corridors, others talking about the same news.

         "Seeker!" Ron cheered "First years never make the teams. You must be the youngest player in a-"

          "Century," Harry finished for him "According to Professor McGonagall," He told him as two familiar ginger boys enclosed the three as they were walking to the courtyard.

              "Well done Harry,"

          "Wood's just told us,"

          "Fred and George are also on the team: Beaters," Ron told them.

          "Our jobs are to make sure you don't get bloodied up too much," George told him causing Harry to look at Esme with a great deal of apprehension.

          "Can't make any promises though, rough game Quidditch," Fred tried to scare him. It was working.

         "But no one's died in years, someone will vanish occasionally-"

       "But they'll turn up in a month or two!" they called as they walked outside and Esme nearly burst out laughing at the face Harry had made.

         "You have to take this opportunity," Esme told him as they stopped in the sun to encourage him "what better way to experience this world than Qudditch, believe me, it's amazing,"

        "But I've never played," Harry whined.

          "Well everybody has to start somewhere," Esme told him "Just think, the great Quidditch players were once like you, and you've already proved yourself, C'mon Harry you'd do great,"

         "What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry asked her, looking like a sad puppy as Esme looked at him raising her eyebrows, to give him a look.

         "You won't," Hermione said having walked up to them, scaring Esme as she jumped and collided into Harry "It's in your blood," And she led them off to a trophy behind a glass cabinet. His Father, James Potter, used to play Quidditch, just like him. Same position. Like Farther, like son...

When looking at Harrys proud grin, it was easy to know he'd made up his mind. The four of them then started making their way back to their common room.

          "I'm telling you, it's scary. She knows more about you than you do," Ron said to Harry as the girls lingered behind. Although Hermione just usually tagged along with them and only speaking up at odd times (always resulted in scaring Esme) Esme tried to be her friend, because she wanted friends. She wanted Hermione to feel comfortable.

          "Yea well who doesn't," Harry shrugged. From underneath them the surface they were standing on began to shake and move as the staircase decided to rearrange itself.

         "What's happening?"

         "The stair cases move, remember?" Esme reminded them as it stopped and they all walked off.

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