- chapter 10. dragons and detentions

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖊𝖓. 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉
𝖉𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 ❀


      THE following week was spent teetering on the edge of a seat. The four along with Hagrid were aware all too aware that Malfoy had witnessed the dragon in the hut and that he had gone running up to the castle. They assumed he was going to scream it around the school, but there was no punishment or talk about. Which was worse.

Malfoy was teasing them. They would often catch him staring at them, glaring or winking as they couldn't do anything to stop him, in risk of troubling Hagrid and the dragon, but his evil smile was seriously taunting and Esme found herself dreaming about puncging that smug smile off him.

To ensure this situation is met with the best possible outcome, they had took to sneaking to see Hagrid in the night and persuade him to let Norbert go, some where far away from here. But Hagrid was adamant that the dragon would be leaving him, despite the quick growth it was experiencing in his tiny hut that was barely meant for a half giant. But it wasn't just him who was getting attached, Esme grew fond of the creature.

    "I-I know I can't keep 'im foreve'. But I can't jus dump 'im." He whined, his motherly instincts deep with the dragon.

    "The greatest loves are the hardest goodbyes," she said duly as Harry looked at her stange for her wise words. Esme suddenly got an idea as her head shot up and turned to Ron "Charlie!"

    "Oh no you're loosing it to, I'm Ron!" he shook her but she stopped him and spoke again.

    "No your brother Charlie, he works with dragons in Romania right?" she turned to Hagrid "If we send, Norbert," she used his name reluctantly "To Charlie he'll be safe and none of us will get into trouble." she put her arms out, in a victory

    "That's brilliant!" Harry cheered as they all boasted to Esme about her amazing idea as she played it cool again, she could be pretty smart sometimes "What about it Hagrid?" he seemed less keen on the idea, seemingly in deep thought but he had to agree to it, there was no other way.

So that was the plan, as the week continued Ron had gone to talk to Hagrid and when he re-appeared in the common room one night (pulling of Harrys invisibility cloak that the boy always shared) he had exclaimed it had bit him and was fretting over the pain it was inflicting. A snowy owl then swooped it, holding Charlies reply and luckily he agreed to it and some of his friends would be here soon to collect the dragon. They had their part of the plan sorted, by morning the only thing that went wrong was that Ron's hand had grown in size, swelling due to the bite from the dragon. The three rushed him to the hospital wing and luckily, not many questions were asked and he was being treated.

Saturday night Harry, Hermione and Esme were dealing with the moving of Norbert. The friends from Romania were coming down and Draco was aware of the plan so they had to be extra careful and time was against them. They went to go get the Dragon as Hagrid was saying goodbyes, they waited not so patiently and anxious to get the job done.

    "He's got plenty o' rats for the trip, and I packed is Teddy bear just in case he gets lonely," Hagrid sniffed, feeling upset over loosing him, even if he was going to a better place "Mummy will never forget you."

    "Ok Hagrid we really have to go, bye!" Esme quickened up the process. They had the cloak draped over them as they carried the crate through and up the castle. They had almost got there when they had to stop, upon seeing McGonagall with Draco.

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