- chapter 8. a merry Coax christmas

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙. 𝖆 𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖆𝖝
𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 ❀


        CHRISTMAS was right around the corner and that meant heading home, for Esme at least. She was excited, she wanted to tell them all about her times, see her little sister again. She wanted to sit by the Christmas tree and un-wrap her presents surrounded by her family. At the same time, she knew Harry and Ron were staying at Hogwarts and couldn't help but feel sympathy as they didn't have family to spend their times with (well Ron did, they were just on holiday) The thought of even leaving Hogwarts for a couple weeks was a scary thought.

Yet, she wheeled her suitcase through the corridors as the cobbles knocked against the wheels, the clasp brimming with everything had packed (after having somehow accumulated many a present from many a people)

McGonagall sat in her classroom, a cup of tea in front of her when she noticed the young girl struggle past her door. In the few months of having the pleasure of teaching and watching over Esme, it was easy to be charmed by the girl. The girl that reminded her of one of her favourite students she'd had in the past. She was funny, intelligent, confident yet innocent despite everything that had happened before her. A tragedy was told in her past ...

    "Miss Coax!" McGonagall called out. She could hear a defeated sigh and the bang of the suitcase hitting the stone floor before Esme skipped in and stood gleefully in front of her desk. Minerva smiled at her quickly before handing her a card, neatly addressed to the Coax family.

    "Professor, you shouldn't have," Esme gasped dramatically before taking it.

     McGonagall rolled her eyes "It's not just for you, Esmerelda, make sure your Grandparents get it, I am very close to them,"

     Esme raised her eyebrows "It seems everyone is," she didn't know if it came of slightly annoyed, but in a way, she was.

In her short time at Hogwarts she'd had many people come up to her, ask how her family is, or she's even witnessed some give her pitty looks and she couldn't understand why. Information on her mother there was slim, so she didn't have much to report on back to Rose. There wasn't anyone she felt she could ask for information about her family, beside Dumbledore but she only ever saw him at the teachers table at dinner times, where he would give her a warm smile in return.

    "Yes, well they're very popular people and very kind," said the Professor rather rushed.

     Esme nodded, drumming her fingers on her teachers desk as Minerva peaked at her over her glasses. Esme debated on the idea in her head before it slipped from her mouth "Did you know my Mother? Anna Coax?"

     McGonagall was a good actress, you wouldn't think that she would be, but she was. Looking at Esme, it hurt her to know how little Esme knew, even more so the amount others knew and she didn't. But being under strict instructions by Dumbledore, who was under strict guidelines of Angie to not disclose any information of the family to Esme, she was stuck in a box "Your mother," she repeated, looking away from the child of hope "I don't remember much i'm afaraid I teach many a pupils,"

    Esme knew she wouldn't get anymore, it seemed to be impossible to achieve anything of her Mother. She nodded her head "Ok, thank you anyway Professor," though she tried not to let it show, her gut wrenched and she felt almost embarrassed for even asking.

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