- chapter 20. the Chamber of secrets

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗
𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘  ❀


      CHAMBER of secrets was heard everywhere the following day in Hogwarts. Everyone was discussing what it could mean and how the four Gryffindor's found themselves in front of it. It seemed their names were discussed again in the signs of danger. All Esme did was hope this wouldn't be an annual thing.

Everyone was theorising what it could all mean, how this could happen without anyone knowing and who may have opened it in the first place. Nobody knew for sure. But not to Esme's surprise, people liked to speculate Harry.

In the morning Rose stuck to Esme, scared to let her sister go. So Rose had dragged Esme to sit with her at the Slytheirn table, despite some complaints and the confused glance her three friends sent her. Gesturing to her and shrugging they couldn't argue, and neither could Esme. She would rather have liked to drag Rose over to her table but she also didn't want to pressure Rose.

"Does this happen a lot at Hogwarts?" Rose asked.

   "What? The Chambers being opened?" Esme asked what she was referring to "How would i know, it's only my second year out here."

Rose was full of anxiety, she needed to know everything to worry about it all and dodge everything she should "Last year? wasn't there something to do with a stone. And weren't you and your friends involved?" she bombarded as Esme tried to distract herself with pouring herself some cereal "Esme!" she gained her attention back with her name as Esme jumped, spilling over some of the milk.

     "I mean, yes, there was a small mishap with a stone and some chess stuff but that was one time," she defended and put her hand on top of her sisters, squeezing "Rose, i promise you're fine and perfectly safe here at Hogwarts. The Chambers probably aren't even real and it's just a silly joke." she told her. Of course neither really believed that, but Esme found that's what people always said when there was danger, it helped calm them. She didn't think it was working "With Dumbledore here, everything is going to be fine."

Rose nodded, the two of them enjoying their breakfast when she spoke up again "Should we tell our Grandparents?"

   "No," Esme told her sharply "You don't tell them anything about this. The only things you should ever tell them is what they want to hear. You're doing good in classes, Potter isn't coming near us."

Rose thought about it "So, we just lie?"

      "Yes," Esme shrugged "It's not fun, i know, but sometimes you just have to put away your morals and listen to the devil on your shoulder, give them something to feed on before they completely destroy you." she joked.

For the rest of the morning meal, they had a simple and civil conversation about school and how great it was. Although Rose was distracted the entire time. She had a headache and her back ached. It seemed there was too much for her to think about, all this chamber stuff that was scary to her, she didn't know what it all meant. She wasn't exactly as popular as Esme, she had her friends, but everyone wanted to know about Esme, she couldn't say the same for her. School work was hard, Snape was horrible it was proving difficult to just be able to spend anytime with her sister, in the times she wanted to confide in her, Esme was never there.

Rose just couldn't cope but also didn't understand Esme already had her own established life here that she couldn't give it all up for her little sister.

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